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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/forget-the-numbers-gretzky-was-a-good-coach-1.855685 Last one, I promise.
  2. But no urgent action is needed, lol, what ?????
  3. I didn't know he coached? What was his record?
  4. I know a few people who have dropped CNN from their package, CNN sees ratings swoon in April https://thehill.com/homenews/media/441557-cnn-sees-ratings-swoon-in-april people have had enough already.
  5. Maurice is the worst situational coach in hockey, he has been his entire career, can't match lines, can't effectively juggle lines, has no feel for the game, doesn't know when to put out his best face off players at crucial times in a game, doesn't even know how to properly use a time out or challenge.
  6. Corporate welfare comes in all shapes and sizes, the CBC, crown coprorations, MPI & Man Hydro just to name a few. The US situation was different though, it wasn't just jobs involved it was peoples life savings, big difference.
  7. Corporate welfare, lol, give me a break. It's about saving jobs, just like Trudeau said it is, and the votes garnered from it are just a fringe benefit.
  8. Paul Maurice outcoached by Craig Berube, a guy who had zero hockey IQ as a player. This should be at the top of the Jets list before anything else.
  9. Blown 3rd period leads in games 1, 2 & 5 did the Jets in, the same problem that dogged them in the regular season. How does a team go from best in the league at closing out games last year, with the same personnel on D, to the worst in just a season? I think some of the young guys are tired of watching some of vets blow their assignments with no consequences. Just my 2 cents worth on the possible locker room issues.
  10. It was only a matter of time before someone brought the 'old, white, male, capitalist, pig, responsible for all social ills since the start of the industrial revolution' argument back into the fold. Classic fall back position of the left when else has failed.
  11. So the AG and DOJ are so crooked that they would look past the law to save a president? This just doesn't happen in the real world folks, you are being led to water by the leftist media only to be found that you can't drink. Just like during the Muelle investigation itself.
  12. And in this case, the AG and DOJ have already stated that their isn't enough evidence to bring charges, so why would congress bring the charges to start the impeachment, if no other reason than partisan mud slinging?
  13. The charges were brought which started the impeachment process, the senate cleared him of the charges and didn't remove him from office. It is you who think impeachment is something taken lightly and can be done against a president for bad behavior alone.
  14. So you are fine with impeachment against a president who hasn't been charged criminally. And you have the nerve to say I have shown my true colors.
  15. He was impeached because he was charged with crimes, who is going to charge Trump with crimes?
  16. Once again, Clinto was charged with perjury and obstruction which led to his impeachment, who is going to charge Trump? You haven't answered that question yet?
  17. Clinton was charged with perjury and obstruction but was cleared by the senate. Once Trump is charged with perjury and obstruction and impeached, he will be cleared by the senate. But like I said, who is going to charge Trump with either of those crimes?
  18. And how exactly will congress settle the matter, are they going to bring charges against a sitting president when the AG and DOJ won't? Please explain how this is all going to end with charges against the president if you can?
  19. Semantics now, you are really reaching, impeached or not the senate won't remove him, nice try to deflect from your losing argument.
  20. The senate won't impeach, you know that, it's just a dog and pony show by the Dems as usual.
  21. And pretending the AG and DOJ don't know what they're talking about when it comes to the burden of proof is delusional.
  22. And Pitts an aging team, may need to break up that core, same with San Jose, although Vegas is probably the odds on favorite to win the WC, Tampa is the unknown.
  23. Exactly, nothing can come of this except the bad press, mud slinging, you just admitted as much.
  24. What would happen if you inserted blacks/Hispanics in place of republicans and whites in place of democrats in what you just posted.
  25. So the AG and the DOJ, who stated the evidence doesn't meet the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt are wrong and the press knows better, you do realize how stupid that is don't you?
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