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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Let them have their fun, it's the mud slinging that they enjoy.
  2. I don't disagree with it at all. But there were many on here who disagreed that it wasn't just a system of wealth distribution from the west to the third world. It's pretty clear that that is exactly what it is. Now you can argue that they are owed that money from the west because it was us who put them in their current position but that is way to simplistic a view as I just said above.
  3. Of course I read it, it's a guilt trip. These things have been happening in the third world long before the climate change narrative ever came along. And what about all the benefits that the western world has shared with everyone during the same time, medicine, education, technology, foreign aid, peace keeping, the list is just too long to even begin to name. Blaming all the problems of the third world on the wests success is way to simplistic.
  4. Did that finish really surprise anyone considering it's been occurring all year? Hopefully the next game is Maurice's last as HC.
  5. Oh the tapes part is very interesting indeed, maybe finally some real hard evidence that he was compromised. Stay tuned.
  6. Why the laughter, it's right there in black and white, https://unfccc.int/topics/climate-finance/the-big-picture/climate-finance-in-the-negotiations But it's not a transfer of wealth, sure.........
  7. No love for Pierre, or are we just talking Canadian broadcasts here?
  8. I thought it summed things up pretty accurately. My take away from it, climate change is inevitable and the Paris Agreement signatories are being asked to compensate the third world $100B annually so they can adapt. Do you see it differently?
  9. Oh c'mon, it took me all day to find that article, humor me.
  10. You should read the article I posted in the climate change thread, it's spot on. He's guilty of being an old, white, male, capitalist, pig who is responsible for every social injustice since the dawn of the industrial revolution.
  11. How is the judiciary committee going to hold him to account when he can't be charged? Making an investigation out of it, when we already know what he did, is no different than partisan mud slinging.
  12. Yeah, yeah, we've been hearing this for 3 years now, Trump will be dead buried before the Dems ever dig up anything they can charge him with, move on already it's getting really old.
  13. Pretty much sums it up https://theclimatelemon.com/why-climate-change-is-about-human-rights/
  14. You guys are really getting hosed buying gas from Washington at USD because your local supplies are maxed out. Build that pipeline......
  15. Alberta will only get out of their hole when they start getting a decent price for their oil again. Nothing the UPC or the NDP can do will ever change that, although the UPC might make it a little less painful to endure until that time comes, just my two cents.
  16. The thing that most people don't understand is debt servicing costs. The more debt you acquire, the more of your tax dollars has to go servicing that debt, instead of it going towards our social programs, infrastructure and the like. A province or a country can't continue to run deficits without having to raise taxes to pay the debt servicing costs. It's just a vicious circle and the only way out of it is by running balanced budgets and getting debt servicing costs under control. Once you have done that, there won't be a need to continuously raise taxes on anyone, at least not at the current rate we are going. And let me just say, a carbon tax is about as blatant a cash grab as you will see in your lifetime. The entire climate change issue can only be solved if the USA and China get on board, everything else is just posturing.
  17. Well I've been middle class for the past 35 years and have lived under all 3 forms of the major parties and can tell you unequivocally that I have more disposable income under a Cons government than the other two. It's you who are actually confused so let me explain. The liberals give the rich and the corporations the same tax cuts that the Cons do and they are the ones who off load it onto the middle class because they won't cut spending. The NDP just tax and tax and tax and don't care who or what you are and still can't balance a budget because they want to give anyone who applies a government union job. So for the middle class, there is only one choice that will leave you with more disposable income in your pocket.
  18. Then it's a good thing we aren't Kansas.
  19. Well I do, the government already inhales 50% of middle class income in the form of taxes and I am personally fed up with it. Especially when those tax dollars aren't even used in this country to prop our social safety net.
  20. If you put anti-trust law violations and impeaching federal judges in the same category as mud slinging then I can't help you.
  21. So the majority, Democrats, want another investigation, what a surprise!
  22. The Cons always give the middle class the biggest tax breaks, it's the NDP and the Liberals who tax the crap out of us.
  23. Jets just found a way to get it done. I don't think the Blues can play any better than that?
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