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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364682618306229?dgcid=raven_sd_aip_email#! The hiatus in global warming is manifest in several global datasets in the decadal period 2002–2013.
  2. Hendricks is beyond awful, but I would say the same thing about the top two lines tonight too, without the third line the Jets get blown out again. I haven't seen two defencemen (Kuli and Meyers) chase the same guy behind the net like that since pee wee. That kind of **** just doesn't happen in the pros. Oh well, playoffs will tell the tale.
  3. It's not that we see any good in Trump, it's that we can't stand the moral hypocrisy of Democrats.
  4. That's a great study you posted, you probably should have read it: Look at their Fig 1 showing trends in global temperature data sets. It shows that since about 2000 the trend in all data sets has been decreasing. This was only halted by the recent El Nino. Note that all the variations on the graph are said to be within the bounds of natural variability according to the authors, indicating that nothing unusual has happened over the duration of the graph. Consider also their figure 2b and c. It shows HadCRUT3 from 1980 -2008 and points out the recent pause period. It then shows five global temperature data sets from 1980 – 2015 showing that the pause has gone away. Never mind that the reason why the pause has stopped is not a climatic one, but due to the short-term El Nino. Look also at their Fig 5 which is said to reconcile observations and computer models showing that there is no discrepancy. Again it is the recent El Nino that brings models and data together. Without the introduction of this short-lived weather event the climate models would obviously be running too warm. Good work! Watts and the boys ripped that thing apart. And the study I posted was good enough for Harvard and the same site you cited https://www.nature.com/articles/srep33315 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016NatSR...633315S It completely backs up that CO2 is logarithmic and the law of dimishing returns.
  5. Interesting study on the power of clouds, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308043423_A_Hiatus_of_the_Greenhouse_Effect This work suggests that the greenhouse effect hiatus can be served as an additional factor to cause the recent global warming slowdown. I'm so glad the science is settled.
  6. The man has no credibility, none, zero, nada, just like every other accuser of Trump in this circus. They are all just petty criminals out for a quick buck.
  7. I remember when Michael Avenatti was a hero in these parts too.....how's that working out for you
  8. More weather news, thanks for keeping me up to date. It's -72.4 C in Vostok Antarctica today
  9. The budget will balance itself, after we tax the **** out of the middle class like they always do. It's always the middle class that has to pay for it, never the rich elites who just come up with the schemes to sucker people in, it's why they are rich.
  10. And we'd be truly ****** without them too. The system may not be perfect but it's the best one we've got.
  11. Don't get too low or too high with this Jets team because you don't know who is going to show up. Very lazy performance, they did not bring their heavy game, this team is only effective when they do.
  12. You've made up your mind and I am not going to try to change it. I get it, Trump represents everything that we hate about politicians, with him it's just about the votes, he doesn't care who he gets them from. Your generation wants to change that, only decent people deserve to vote, racists should not have a voice and should be shunned by society, imprisoned etc. I assume you feel the same way about any group that promotes hate based on race, religion etc. Censorship is a slippery slope though, be careful what you wish for.
  13. The white nationalists have always been there, voting for presidents in the past, it wasn't until Hilary shone a light on them "basket of deplorables" did Trump seize on their support. There is absolutely no evidence that Trump the businessman had anything to do with white nationalists, in fact, he was a supporter of the DNC before entering politics. He accepted them and their votes, he's the worst kind of politician, soulless.
  14. The summary of the Mueller report is all we have to base it on as of now, anything else is just speculation. Congress will keep the pressure on Trump but there are a lot of Dems with egg on their face right now, Schiff especially, I don't know how any of these guys can come across looking impartial at this point. Scheer has already sent a letter to the RCMP requesting the investigation.
  15. How can you not see the flaw in your own logic? Guilt by association. Trump accepts white nationalists, ergo all Trump supporters are white nationalists. Liberals accept terrorists, ergo all Liberal supporters are terrorists. The only distinction is the one you create in your own mind.
  16. Agreed, let's quit with the double standards.
  17. The RCMP has to investigate, I don't think anyone else can? You can't compare Trump to Nixon. Trump has been under investigation for 2 years now and the best they could come up with is not enough evidence for obstruction. Nixon was caught red handed with the smoking gun. Not even the Dems will impeach Trump for just purely political reasons. I don't even understand the whole SDNY investigation, why wasn't this undertaken before Trump became president, it looks politically motivated too.
  18. Well quit stereotyping people like that. Do we call Liberals terrorists just because their base includes members of Isis, who we will welcome back as full citizens.
  19. Unlike our feminist PMO...…..physically assaulting 2 women that we know of and treating JWR like a piece of trash?
  20. That is the issue in the US, whether or not the AG can file charges or if congress can just decide what is impeachable, they would need 2/3 of the senate vote which won't happen, so unless the AG can file charges it just becomes a political dog and pony show. Canada is quite clear, if the PMO is charged, then it is assumed he has lost the confidence of the house and the GG has to remove him.
  21. It's the end of the collusion debate but not the obstruction debate. The Dems will continue to push the obstruction debate as they should and if they can convince the AG to file charges, then they can impeach. If JT is charged with obstruction, the GG would have no choice but to remove him as PM.
  22. You couldn't be further from the truth, I was an NDP'er when Doer ran Manitoba, he did a great job which is why he was always re-elected he appeased both the public and private sectors without leaning too far either way. All party's are swinging too far in different directions which is why I only vote for the policies not the candidate.
  23. Please explain what that has to do with anything we are discussing here?
  24. Shouldn't Trump be given the same benefit now that Mueller found no collusion? There may still be a case for obstruction which is the same boat as JT. If we are going to let the people decide JT's fate then shouldn't they also decide Trumps, is all I'm saying, double standard.
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