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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. That might be how the article framed it but he was referring to being being able to get an independent panel to agree with the results. We seen this recently in the Resplandy Ocean Heat Content study that was 'peer reviewed' and published because the results fit the narrative. It took the deniers about 5 minutes to expose the errors in the study and the results had to be changed, yet almost nobody reported on the revised findings. It's sad but true, it's not about the science, it's about the message.
  2. The jobs argument is just a smoke screen, Quebec votes Liberal and Alberta doesn't. The Liberals need Quebec to win the next election and are trying to sell out the justice system to make that happen.
  3. Seems Pelosi agrees with me, https://thehill.com/homenews/house/432861-tlaib-to-offer-impeachment-articles-against-trump-by-end-of-month
  4. Tampa is sick and the Jets are still struggling to find secondary scoring from the other three lines which have no chemistry.
  5. I didn't mind Enterprise at least it wasn't a soap opera like Discovery is.
  6. Not really, all it shows is that the money trail could be hidden. What they were paid to say was what they had been saying all along. Greenpeace isn't exactly a reliable source either unless you support eco-terrorism.
  7. Thanks for the correction on that.
  8. I think I would trust Israel before a state sponsor of terrorism like Iran. I'm sure all the talks Iran has had with North Korea were about the weather too.
  9. They should have just called it Discovery because Star Trek it is not.
  10. It's her signature on the deal isn't it?
  11. the UN, by lifting the economic sanctions that was preventing them from doing so. The deal Hiliary and Obama signed and now everyone else is left cleaning up the mess that is coming.
  12. Bernier had it in the bag until he started talking like the nationalist he is.
  13. But giving Iran nukes is okay?
  14. Isn't that what Mueller has been doing for the past two years?
  15. Mueller and the NY AG are already investigating everything there is. Trump will be found guilty of something at some point, of that I am sure. There is no reason whatsoever for the Dems to being investigating as well other for partisan politics.
  16. Mueller is already investigating much of that and the NY AG is investigating his prior dealings before becoming president, what more is there?
  17. There has to be evidence of those felonies before you rush ahead with an investigation too, any idea what he is actually been investigated for? Or is this another throw **** at the wall and see what sticks road we are going down?
  18. I never said he should get a pass, if he used the office of the president to commit crimes then he should be accountable, if there is evidence of it, then it should lead to wider investigation and maybe even his business dealings before he was president. Thus far, I haven't seen any indication that there are any charges coming against him for abusing the office of the president.
  19. I would agree if the focus was on his time as president, but it doesn't seem to be, they seem to want to investigate his life which does border on harassment more than anything.
  20. This isn't the justice system at work though, it's partisan politics.
  21. It's a complete gong show on both sides. Elections decide who governs, not the politicians.
  22. The Liberals have been trending down in the polls for over a year now, this will bottom them right out. The cons could have Tony Clement leading them and win a majority, no pot vote to save the Liberals this time.
  23. It's getting right out of hand now, the Mueller Report can't come soon enough.
  24. The unfortunate part is that we are going to have to pay (tax dollars) for all the therapy the snowflakes are going to need to get past this.
  25. Well look at that, the Aussie's have done it, a way to turn CO2 back into coal, at room temperature and it's scalable, problem solved. https://www.thegwpf.com/carbon-dioxide-the-newest-form-of-renewable-energy/ Link to the paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-08824-8 This should be all over every front page in the world, we're saved, hoorah!
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