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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Too much fire power on TB, especially if we take our usual 5 or 6 penalties.
  2. Funny how the committee of deniers seem to have the best credentials? https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/lawrence-solomon-trumps-new-climate-committee-could-welcome-the-worlds-smartest-global-warming-skeptics
  3. Jets just need to compete harder and that's on the coach. Maurice needs to crack the whip, practice at full speed and no shifts off or you end up at the end of bench.
  4. I'm proud of JWR, she did the right thing and restored my faith in Canadian politics. As for the PMO, just another criminal from the Quebec cesspool, that province needs an enema.
  5. I'm taking with issue with the alarmism and the sky is falling narrative that we only have 30 - 100 years left before everything goes nuclear. If we don't run out of fossil fuels or can't find an alternative in the next 500 years, then we probably don't deserve to continue as a species.
  6. What a bizarre situation, I hope we find out what would motivate someone to do something like this? Unable to separate real life from TV drama perhaps?
  7. I had a dream that we signed Chris Mathews...…..
  8. Wow, Butts and Telford have resigned, Liberals in full blown damage control.
  9. Jets look like they have checked out of late.
  10. That's my point, we have only half of the equation now we need the other half to get us over the top.
  11. Keeping free agents is no different than acquiring them on the market.
  12. Connect on the two missed pass plays to Adams and Harris and it's a different ball game. Our guys just didn't make the plays when they were there and Calgary did.
  13. We all saw what happens to Nichols when he tries to get pass happy, he becomes a turnover machine, the ball control offense is the only thing he is capable of doing well.
  14. That doesn't really have anything to do with winning championships though.
  15. Scouting and drafting will get you a solid foundation but it's retaining and acquiring the best players that wins championships.
  16. How so, retaining your free agents is just as important as signing the best available and Calgary does just that.
  17. The CFL has always been an arms race, you don't build a championship team, you have to buy it.
  18. To say that I am disappointed right now would be an understatement. Walters never got out of the starting blocks.
  19. Thanks for your views on this. Keep up the great work. Why not answer the question? That is really interesting- I would love to see the moath on this- could you please point me in the right direction of your support? Any first year radiative physics textbook or https://knowledgedrift.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/co2-is-logarithmic-explained-3/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/03/08/the-logarithmic-effect-of-carbon-dioxide/ https://www.skepticalscience.com/C02-emissions-vs-Temperature-growth.html https://climateaudit.org/2008/01/07/more-on-the-logarithmic-formula/ https://motls.blogspot.com/2008/01/why-is-greenhouse-effect-logarithmic.html https://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-logarithmic-effect-of-carbon-dioxide_19.html https://skepticalscience.com/why-global-warming-can-accelerate.html https://geosciencebigpicture.com/2017/12/03/is-the-saturation-of-co2-logarithmic/
  20. At least the effort was there, work hard like that every night and you can live with the losses. Still think we need another top 4 d-man and top 6 forward to go all the way. Too bad Buff wasn't a stay at home d-man his style of play is a defensive liability for anyone he is partnered with, bring back Toby to play with him.
  21. sigh.....CO2 is logarithmic, after the first doubling, the effects are virtually negligible due to the increased radiance of the earth. In fact, you get about 70% of the warming out of the first 40% of doubling CO2. You would need close 1200 ppm of CO2 to generate 7.4 W/mm for another 1C in temperature which would take you about 500 years to reach. Like I said, nothing to see here.
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