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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. sigh.....all previous interglacial periods had a mean average temperature of 2+ C above the running average, how do you expect to change this current one?
  2. A little light reading for you, http://www.co2science.org/subject/other/clim_hist_2million.php
  3. This is climate glacial - interglacial, the scale is about 100,000 years, everything else is just noise, so excuse me if I don't sound the alarm bells.
  4. I'm not a Maurice fan but the 3rd and 4th lines are solid and doing their job. Need more talent on the top 6 forwards and top 4 D and that's Chevy's job.
  5. Wow, the top line got owned again, no back check from any of them but Maurice doesn't have the sack to park their asses on the bench where they belong. Hope Chevy is working the phones because we need another top forward and d-man.
  6. And the research shows that the gap is only 5-6% and it's only speculation that it could be gender discrimination and/or unwillingness to negotiate salary. Let me ask you a question, if you are an employer and have two equally qualified candidates, one male the other female and the female is willing to take 5% less in salary than the male, who you gonna hire? In the pure business sense, you hire the one that costs you less, maybe the SJW's just have a problem with business as usual? Because I don't see any argument for anything else.
  7. Except JWR would have been demoted even without this bombshell, most Libs agree she was a disaster at her justice post.
  8. 5 years of rising temps is still just weather. Not to mention that we are talking tenths of 1 degree which is within measuring error, so basically nothing to see here.
  9. Classic case of the inmates running the asylum, the top 2 lines have been terrible in their defensive responsibilities.
  10. Trenberth calling bullshit on the NYT, Chicago Times and Washington Post is satisfaction enough for me, watching your heads explode over it is just icing on the cake.
  11. Ever wonder where the saying, "the only thing worse than a child molester is a politician" came from, now you know.
  12. Ah yes, the attack the source and not the content play, gotcha ya.
  13. I have to congratulate you, you just broke every forum rule in that single post, bravo. How did I actually politicize it, by showing you an example of it being done and having one of their own calling them out on it. I still haven't decided if I'm going to reply to your Tsonis request since you are just flaming and being generally rude.
  14. Anyone see Cuomo last night? He had Chris Cristie on, it's time for Trump to switch gears and start appealing to more than his base
  15. Let's just agree that neither side should be politicizing science, or do you disagree with that too?
  16. I always liked Trenberth, for a warmist, at least he tells it like it is, https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/30/media-global-warming-polar-vortex/ The NYT, Chicago Times, Washington Post, should be ashamed of themselves for outright lying to the public to push their political agenda.
  17. In Canada alone, 624,000 jobs, 11% of GDP, $10.3 billion in revenues, $650 million in R&D and you ask why the industry is subsidized? Compare that to Bombardier or the SO auto sector and ask why those industries are subsidized. Clean energy is being subsidized, that's the only thing that got it off the ground in the first place, however, if your goal was to simply reduce emissions, you could have invested a lot less in nuclear and hydro-electric and already solved the emissions problem.
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