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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Mark, even without AGW, the temperatures this inter-glacial are going to rise 2 - 4 C higher than today in the Arctic and sea levels are going to rise 6 - 9 meters higher than today. It happened during the last inter-glacial when CO2 levels were only 280 ppm. You can't stop what is coming and the AGW contribution to it won't make a difference.
  2. Yup, the position of presidential candidate opened up new business opportunities for Trump with the Russians, among others. I don't think he ever expected to win but when he did, that kind of made those business relations look like payoffs.
  3. Well that was your first mistake. That's not supposed to be happening according to AGW theory now is it. Why not just admit that your models got it wrong?
  4. That is a serious charge, the kind that will get Trump thrown to the wolves, no escaping that one. Looks like it's only a matter of time now before we find out just how indebted to the Russian's Trump really is.
  5. It's not about the dossier, it's about how the FBI obtained the FISA warrant without giving the judge all relevant information, I thought you read the article, clearly you didn't.
  6. Just wow! Is this new information just coming out or am I way behind the times. The FBI mislead the judge when they obtained their FISA warrant on the trump campaign...... This if fruit of the poison tree, anything gained from the warrant would be inadmissible. This can't be real? https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/425739-fisa-shocker-doj-official-warned-steele-dossier-was-connected-to-clinton
  7. I wouldn't want either idiot running the country. The USA needs a good old fashioned military coup.
  8. This should be good news but most of warmists will probably just shrug it off as some sort of hoax, https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-37187100
  9. Trumps crimes will have to be something more than campaign finance violations for his base to turn away from him. That's why I said I hoped Mueller finds evidence of collusion because that would be enough for his base and the GOP to turn on him and throw him to the wolves. Petty crimes, which had nothing to do with interference or collusion, the GOP will protect him from, collusion is as good as treason though.
  10. And you are incapable of distinguishing between the court of public opinion and the Mueller investigation. When Mueller charges him I will admit you were right about him all along, fair enough?
  11. And when Mueller lays charges, he will be charged with a crime, until then, everything is speculation and your hatred of the man.
  12. The IPCC. Because according to the IPCC Africa should be getting more arid. If the added green area were effectively used for agriculture, it could produce enough food to feed the African continent. Unfortunately, this is a fact that the doomsday-obsessed media, activists and ruling politicians fear will become publicly known. They instead would prefer that the globe returns to a climate of the 1980s, when drought and famine ravaged the vast North African region.
  13. Because it has absolutely nothing to do with the Mueller investigation.
  14. Looks like they got this one wrong too, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-04616-8 Here we report, using high-resolution satellite imagery, that woody vegetation cover over sub-Saharan Africa increased by 8% over the past three decades and that a diversity of drivers, other than CO2, were able to explain 78% of the spatial variation in this trend. A decline in burned area along with warmer, wetter climates drove WPE, although this has been mitigated in areas with high population growth rates, and high and low extremes of herbivory, specifically browsers. These results confirm global greening trends, thereby bringing into question widely held theories about declining terrestrial carbon balances and desert expansion. Importantly, while global drivers such as climate and CO2 may enhance the risk of WPE, managing fire and herbivory at the local scale provides tools to mitigate continental WPE.
  15. I'm only concerned with Russian interference and collusion. I don't care if the guys a racist or a criminal, many presidents before Trump were just as bad, some even worse although those were different times. You and I will have to disagree on what powers the FBI have, they can't just go around spying on elected officials, that is Nazi stuff.
  16. It's not about which side of the fence you are on, it's about trying to guess what each side will do next. It's all just speculation, I have no dog in this fight, I just like to point out that the FBI may have effed up before Mueller was assigned which plays right into Trumps narrative.
  17. Anything Trump/his campaign did before he became president is fair game and that is what the Mueller investigation has been focusing on up to now. It's the counterintelligence investigation which began while he was president and before Mueller was assigned that Trumps side will use to discredit the FBI. You don't seem to understand that Trump controls the FBI and that they cannot just start spying on elected officials unless the president deems it a matter of national security. Article 2 of the Constitution and the SC have already decided this, it's not a matter of opinion or a defense of Trump. You always try to spin it as a Trump supporter thing, you should try to be a little unbiased in your posts.
  18. Here's the point. Mueller was lawfully assigned to investigate Russian interference in the election and whatever else came from that. The FBI took it upon themselves to begin a counterintelligence investigation of Trump before Mueller was assigned. The FBI cannot do that, you have to go back to when JE Hoover was in charge of the FBI and bugged everyones offices and used the information for his own personal gains, that is why the FBI cannot just open a counterintelligence investigation on sitting elected officials. They have to have prior approval from the president to do such a thing as it is the president who ultimately decides what is and isn't national security and classified information and is in charge of the executive branch which the FBI falls under.
  19. Because it's the president who ultimately decides what is and isn't national security and classified information, it is his sole prerogative according to the SC.
  20. Yes the investigation is still ongoing which is why I said Meuller better find evidence of Trump conspiring with the Russians and make it public, because if he doesn't, Trumps side is going to keep spinning it as a witch hunt and say 'see I told you' and his base will lap it up and sow further distrust in the law enforcement agencies. The bolded rant has to do with the FBI beginning a counterintelligence investigation after Trump fired Comey and before Mueller was assigned, that is a no no, the FBI's own watchdog admitted as much. Trump's side will use this more evidence that the FBI was just out to get him. I don't know why you think I'm on Trumps side, I'm just pointing out how his side is going to spin this and probably get away with it.
  21. Only about half of the Jets penalties where legit. Is it just me or are the refs boning us this year?
  22. On other people, not on Trump because even if he does, guess what, The Supreme Court has often affirmed, many times since United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., that it is the president himself, not the executive branch, who possesses “the very delicate, plenary and exclusive power … as the sole organ of the federal government in the field of international relations—a power which does not require as a basis for its exercise an act of Congress.” Moreover, the president has plenary control within the executive branch of the intelligence power and classified information, which is defined, by the president, in terms of harm to national security. In short, the president is the person constitutionally charged with determining what constitutes the national security interest and national security threats for the executive branch, which is where the FBI is located.
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