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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Article 2 of the Constitution and the Supreme Court, it's all explained here, https://www.lawfareblog.com/what-grounds-can-fbi-investigate-president-counterintelligence-threat
  2. I came in to celebrate the Bighill signing but couldn't resist seeing what's been going on in here. That's not how I see it. The FBI was too investigate 'interference' in the election, they may have overstepped their authority in launching a 'collusion' investigation against a sitting president. Only Congress can initiate that. Nothing bothers me, I don't have a care in the world, except maybe China, they are militarizing at an alarming rate and that should concern everyone. Soon they will be too rich/powerful to stop unless the rest of the world wakes up to threat they pose. Meuller has the authority of Congress to do so, the FBI did not, that's the rub. I don't think the FBI did it intentionally, although Trumps base won't see it that way. Maybe some people believe that there’s only one form of political bias within the walls of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and they think FBI agent Peter Strzok was just being fair, even-handed and objective when he texted Lisa Page that “we’ll stop” Trump in August 2016. It’s worth noting that the FBI inspector general did not see it that way.
  3. You can’t save a guy who keeps choosing to put a fork in the electrical socket, over and over again. However, let me explain to you how this is going to end: Only Congress, not the FBI, has the authority to launch an investigation against a president. Congress can inveigh against his foreign policy and constrain his options. It can build a case for not reelecting him and perhaps impeach him. These are all actions to be undertaken out in the open by politically accountable players, so the public can make informed judgments about them. In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation. The Times went to note that special counsel Robert Mueller “took over the inquiry into Mr. Trump when he was appointed, days after F.B.I. officials opened it. That inquiry is part of Mr. Mueller’s broader examination of how Russian operatives interfered in the 2016 election and whether any Trump associates conspired with them. It is unclear whether Mr. Mueller is still pursuing the counterintelligence matter, and some former law enforcement officials outside the investigation have questioned whether agents overstepped in opening it.” If he and his team didn’t find any evidence that Trump was working on behalf of Russia . . . this means that the FBI just launched an investigation into the personal matters of the president of the United States in a fit of baseless paranoia. Better hope Mueller finds something or all of Trumps paranoid ramblings about a corrupt FBI (even if false) will be confirmed in the minds of his base. What a shitshow.
  4. Need to shuffle the lines, Laine needs to play with Scheif and Wheeler, guys a natural 40 goal scorer he needs set up men and to play more in the slot instead of just up and down his wing.
  5. Jets are soft on the puck, it's a bad habit they have developed under the current coaching.
  6. FFS, do I have to draw you a picture? Why would minorities vote for a racist, everyone knew before he was elected that he had the support of the alt right. Why would any minority vote for a racist? Even you can see how ridiculous you're argument must be.....
  7. Except he didn't praise them, he just refused to demonize them by saying both sides were to blame for the event escalating into violence. You're just connecting the dots the way you see fit.
  8. So all Trump supporters are racists, that's funny because if that's the case then, 8% of blacks 28% of latinos 27% asians 36% other (muslins etc) are racists too for voting trump in the last election. Get over yourselves already.
  9. Right over your head, again.....
  10. You label anyone a racist who doesn't agree with your view, guilt by association, that is a very thin argument but I wouldn't expect much more considering you're pretending to be a big C conservative.
  11. Transgender ban in the military is another that comes to mind but both were/are not strictly driven by racism alone, although the media really only played up one side of it.
  12. The reason I don't come here more often to debate is because it always ends with name calling, not pointing the figure at you directly but why does it have to always deteriorate into name calling?
  13. You're smarter than that. Ever heard the term 'politics makes strange bedfellows', it's all about winning and in order to win you have to have the most votes and the deplorables are a big chunk of that.
  14. Please provide examples of Trump discriminating against minorities in his policies, if you can.
  15. lol, just because he doesn't demonize them, doesn't mean that he shares their ideas, he wants their votes and plays the middle of the road with them. Hilary called them 'a basket of deplorables' how'd that work out for her? Let me ask you something, just because we don't call them 'Islamic terrorists' anymore, does that make us all terrorists?
  16. And what worries me most of all about the team going forward.
  17. Loffler's replacement wasn't a total let down and safety is one of the easiest national spots to fill, this shouldn't be a game changer if Loffler leaves, imo.
  18. This season, the Bombers proved that their o-line and defensive front 7 could go toe to toe with anyone in the league, top 3 for sure. Would be nice to try to keep as much of it as possible intact but failing that, there will be a lot of good free agents available to plug the holes. A shut down corner would be nice for those tall Williams/Mathews type of receivers (Fogg/Randle just give up too much size to those types of receivers). And more explosive players on offence, at least one freakish deep threat import and a hybrid kr/rb. Assuming Nichols can use those weapons to their fullest, we should be contending again.
  19. A good read on just how insecure Trump is, and explains a lot about his behavior. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/swamp-trump/551807/
  20. We stick with what we got at most positions, not just receiver, the criticism is fair considering we don't try to upgrade at any position during the season.
  21. Streveler will be a Bomber next year and for years to come, just get him some receivers for the love of god Walters.
  22. I'm happy with the regime, and tend think it's the players and not the coaches holding them back at this stage. Defence being the prime example, it didn't take canning Hall to become one of the best defences down the stretch, just the players pulling their heads out of the assess and playing like they could. Offence though, imo, doesn't have all the players they need, add a couple stud receivers and hybrid speedster for kick returns and we might improve enough.
  23. I just can't believe that people think there are corporation/shareholders out there who would destroy humanity in the name of greed? That doesn't even make good business sense, who are your customers going to be in the future? How can you do business without a planet/civilization, the thought is just so ridiculous only a complete loon would buy it.
  24. “You are what you do, not what you say.” ~ David Suzuki Yes, Mr. Suzuki, you’re a capitalist who enjoys wealth, travel and activities that emit lots of carbon dioxide. You’re not the environmentalist you claim to be.
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