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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. He, like all environmental activists, should take his own advice; Education has failed in a very serious way to convey the most important lesson science can teach: skepticism. ~ David Suzuki
  2. I'm off the Nichols band wagon. The play that did it for me was in 4th quarter, Nichols got flushed to his left, took a couple steps and decided to run for about 4 yards, there was a receiver opening up down the same sideline (might have been the new guy) Nichols tucked it and ran instead of dropping the ball into the receiver between the two defenders. Just about any other qb in the league would have made that throw but Nichols is too gun shy now. We will never win a GC with that type of qbing. Time for another Winnipeg/Hamilton qb trade, Nichols for Masoli.
  3. Mitchell is just better than Nicholls. We needed a big return today and didn't get one, gotta find a guy who is a threat to break one every time. And we need a number 1 receiver. Just not enough speed on offence from our weapons. Calgary is still a very good team and we aren't quite there yet. It shouldn't be hard for them to fill in the blanks on offence.
  4. Not that we didn't already know it where is the moral indignation? https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/millions-in-foreign-funds-spent-in-2015-federal-election-to-defeat-harper-government-report-alleges?fbclid=IwAR1UuS8FxhV9zTmpdPNQSE8A8hObcX9Uf6lJx9FI0on8W23nAb4hOP6JVY4
  5. Trumps headed for a section 25 (mentally unfit), it's just a matter of time, he's already showing signs of the early onset of either dementia of Alzheimer's.
  6. lol, the boogieman is coming to get you, watch out! It's the only thing relevant in the entire discussion, the spin doctor started spinning even before they identified the accuser. What if it's Ruth Bader Ginsburg, would that change your view of it, maybe wait and see who the accuser is. Really, back to square one. There are no differences when it comes to the rights of the accusers. There are obvious differences when it comes to their credibility and corroboration of their accounts. Although, you seem to think that Kav was guilty despite that and that Avantti has obviously been smeared, even though, we don't know who his accuser is, lol.
  7. So which is it troll or nationalist, you should have me figured out by now. Were the first words out of Kavs mouth it's a smear job? I honestly don't recall, he denied the allegations but I don't think he ever accused anyone directly of smearing him, did he? How can you possibly know my convictions from over the net? You have special powers? Exactly what I referred to be before, given the gravitas of both situations, who has more to lose by smearing the other? I would say without doubt a right leaning judge on the SC is a lot more influential than anything Avanatti could spin up with a porn star, but you keep buying the kool-aide.
  8. You didn't read the second link did you 😒
  9. I only took the opposite side because you and others had already convicted him in the court of public opinion despite no corroboration of the accusers allegations. I give Spin doctor Avanatti the same benefit of the doubt.
  10. So it turns out that Brown did veto the wildfire bill in Cali https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jerry-brown-veto-wildfire-bill/ and some believe it was due to corruption, he was bought and paid for by PG&E https://www.consumerwatchdog.org/capitol-watchdog/gov-browns-culpability-spreading-wildfires Should be some civil suites coming out of this.
  11. Both could have been smeared or both could be guilty, there is no reason to accept either man's side over that of the accuser at this time, is what I am saying.
  12. You brought politics into it not me, suggesting that only one side is capable of crafting a smear job is pretty naive. The same standard should apply to everyone not just who you like more.
  13. Are you more apt to give him the benefit of the doubt that you never gave the Judge? Seem's a little pot and kettle, no?
  14. Interesting stats, 40% of California's forests are privately owned compared to 57% that are Federal http://forestunlimited.org/california-forest-statistics/ Yet, not a single privately owned forest is burning, even Gov Brown see's the connection with the recent fires and poor forest management https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/03/california-timber-firms-maybe-piece-of-the-puzzle-to-cut-fire-risk.html But what are a few lives and towns when you can just sluff it off as the new abnormal and blame climate change.
  15. I was referring to his reference of a smear job, that is all.
  16. Spin spin spin, how does it taste Mike.
  17. Jets should try to get another C/W a guy like Jeff Skinner or Matt Duchene.
  18. Meyers has been the real story thus far, he and Morrow both -3, worst among D on the club.
  19. Hate crime, yes or no? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/07/canadian-judge-punching-a-caucasian-and-yelling-i-hate-white-people-isnt-a-hate-crime/?fbclid=IwAR1v7sGKPk9WqHogW9ltAcz5GFgfDWChyAwBEDOAkabViJOviS-QtxD6s4g&noredirect=on&utm_term=.0d3ffe224fd3
  20. Don't bother, I'm done in this thread, enjoy the upcoming solar grand minimum, I hope you own long underwear you're going to need it.
  21. 16:00 minute mark of broadcast, it's science, quit denying it.
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