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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/11/12/nunavut-draft-plan-says-there-are-actually-too-many-polar-bears-in-territory_a_23587264/?utm_hp_ref=ca-politics 😂 once again crap science doesn't conform to the reality.
  2. Hmmm, not really what he said but I guess it was slow news day.
  3. He's actually pretty much spot on, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-27215-5
  4. There has to be some onus on the player to protect himself as well, Bridge put himself in that position, Jeffcoat didn't even unload on him.
  5. Brutal conditions both teams did about as well as could be expected but....that wasn't really our A game, hope to see it next week against the Stamps though.
  6. What a waste of the courts time, just tell him to stfu https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/11/07/dutch-man-69-identifies-20-years-younger-launches-legal-battle/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_fb&fbclid=IwAR3QreSZtDvn60Z1S7E5yi4PiIPDhPbuT8HnwnnxW4pgVPmJD9em_f9sr9I
  7. Mark, you hear but you don't listen, read the actual study from NOAA yourself. https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/global-warming-and-hurricanes/
  8. I don't embrace him, he's giant pos who will get what's coming to him in the end. But until then, somebody has to be the ying for the yang.
  9. No, this one was right from NOAA and some still tried to discredit the results. https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/historical-atlantic-hurricane-and-tropical-storm-records/
  10. Time for some good news before the long weekend and the big Bomber victory, https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/a-cancer-kill-switch-has-been-found-in-the-body-and-researchers-are-already-hard-at-work-to-harness-it/?fbclid=IwAR1i3qtHIcOO4XuNoZp2dHkCEDZ0n2GLI7u1VQSA9XgB228wZkHrs8DlAgo
  11. Toughest gun laws in the USA, not much more you can do expect keep the guns out of the hands of the insane, but I suppose that would be considered discrimination in Cali.
  12. Care to elaborate on the meaning of that statement, probably best to just let sleeping dogs lie.
  13. Says the one constantly blaming 'old white guys' for the world's ills, pot meet kettle, lol.
  14. She's 85, call it a career already Ruth, sheesh.
  15. You argued about a study I posted from NOAA........... There is no getting through to you no matter where the study or data comes from, your minds are closed and I will continue to hammer on them until they at least open up.
  16. You just posted a vid of the southern California wildfires when in fact, climate scientist already admit that climate change isn't affecting wild fires in southern California. They have said that climate change could be effecting the wild fire season in northern California however. I have no problem with climate scientists but I do have a problem with people posting alarmist reports about things that have nothing to do with climate change. They should at least get educated about what they are posting.
  17. Needed a good laugh today and the NDP never disappoint. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/ndp-mla-mable-elmore-expensed-61-a-day-in-food-during-19-welfare-challenge/wcm/9069d976-64b8-4a90-b78c-7090bab24dae
  18. Might have something to do with the fact that whites are still 73% of the population, just saying.
  19. Alt right....that's offensive and not very funny, if I were a snow flake I would be offended.
  20. We have enough resources that we'd make out alright but other countries won't be so fortunate.
  21. My hope is that the divide becomes so great in that country that they tear themselves apart, collapsing the world economy in the process and we all get to start all over again, with no debt.
  22. They have always been a bunch of whack jobs, it's just that instead of the country coming together over tragedies like this, they now politicized it and polarize things even more. America is one effed place right now and their adversaries couldn't be happier.
  23. More likely to be Florida AG Pam Bondi.
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