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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. No link, and nothing in all of that information to show that mass shootings have increased from the 80 & 90 decade highs. You know why, because they haven't.
  2. You do realize that this is just a message board where people toss ideas around, right? It wouldn't kill you to step out of your comfort zone for a minute, you can still despise, you can still despise racists and bigots and come up with ideas on how to rehab them, or should we just fry them all?
  3. I won't block you because I might as well stick my head in the sand them. Despite what you may think, I value other peoples opinions and perspectives (yes even you's) because that is how adults begin a dialogue of understanding. How do you expect unite a country when people won't even discuss things on a crappy message board?
  4. The USA if full of whack jobs, another mass shooting doesn't surprise anyone. But just try to take the guns away from them, you will have uprising the likes of which they haven't seen since the civil war, the blood will be flowing in the streets. The USA is so far down the rabbit hole they aren't ever coming back.
  5. It shouldn't be hard to disprove should it? If mass shootings haven't been declining since the 1990's it should be very easy for someone to pull some stats showing otherwise. Why does that have to devolve into name calling? Point, counter-point, or has everyone lost their ability to discuss rationally around here. Ignoring someone is no different than sticking your head in the sand, you know, like an ostrich.
  6. If you have a problem with my posts be man enough confront them, you're name calling schtick is getting old.
  7. The thread title asks why so many science deniers? If you choose to disregard a scientific study or observational data, you should at least be able to counter it with facts to back your position unless you are just too lazy to bother, in which case don't bother replying please.
  8. Granted, the site is only current to 2013 but the 1990's were bad as some of us are old enough to remember.
  9. Mass shootings the USA https://www.globalresearch.ca/mass-shootings-in-america-a-historical-review/5355990 Have declined steadily since the 1990's, which remains the worst decade.
  10. Most people just don't realize how global the investigation has become: Kushner & Qatar, possible half billion Nadar & UAE, funneling money to Trump campaign Flynn & Israel, Logan Act violations Kushner & China, had to downgrade his security clearance, suspected asset for the Chinese This thing is going to be a New York Times best seller.
  11. Poor Mike Mann, forgot to check the science (observational data), just keep digging that hole Mike. http://notrickszone.com/2018/11/05/dr-mann-says-man-made-weather-change-isnt-rocket-science-observations-show-its-not-even-science/
  12. Good for the Dems but too bad about the Senate they won't really have any power to do anything but fire up Trumps base if they are not careful. Old Mitch is already laying the ground work for that angle.
  13. https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/opinion/2018/11/07/i-was-going-to-write-about-donald-trump-but-tony-clement-wouldnt-let-me.html It seems Clement’s pickle has hereby got him into a pickle. lol, Tony you perv.
  14. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/tories-vow-to-fight-appointment-of-liberal-chair-chosen-during-song-and-booze-fuelled-meeting What a bunch of clowns, get back to work for a change.
  15. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/stimulating-spinal-cord-helps-more-paralyzed-people-walk Great news for people with spinal cord injuries.
  16. Well it is what it is, we argue over 12 ppm, which is the human contribution of CO2/year, so why not $12/month for the lowest household incomes, I'm sure it matters to some, even if the elitists can't see it.
  17. The petition is already up and running https://www.change.org/p/justin-trudeau-the-liberals-are-accessing-your-private-bank-info-invoke-your-rights-to-privacy-pipeda
  18. And it just keeps getting better and better, what an bunch incompetent twats. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/coal-fired-power-plants-carbon-tax-1.4882669 In a climate-policy retreat over the treatment of coal, federal Liberals are proposing to loosen emission standards for power plants that burn the fuel, effectively lowering carbon taxes on each tonne of greenhouse gas released from coal-burning stations, like NB Power's Belledune, next year to less than $1.
  19. How's the fascist again? https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-big-brother-feds-want-your-private-banking-info?fbclid=IwAR1B-amTjme5R2hTZqhz_qAKgtKdtjORJoRZnOwHPk1WZiAnKDa2o2TEpxs Statistics Canada is about to require Canada’s nine biggest banks and credit unions to turn over highly personal data about their customers and not tell the customer. That includes name, address, social insurance number and every single banking transaction that person does in a year.
  20. Exactly, if all you doing is trashing your opponent then people will eventually tune out. At some point, you have to better ideas/candidates or no one is going to take you serious. Hard to believe this is lost on some people, probably too young to know any better still.
  21. lol, whatever but you need to watch this documentary that was on HBO last night, it might just help you to understand https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/29/entertainment/outside-the-bubble-review/index.html
  22. You are completely missing the point, stop, take a deep breath and get emotionally detached from the subject for a moment and realize that Trump doesn't want them to stop criticizing him. It's why he tweets weird **** at night after just giving a presidential like speech that same day.
  23. You haven't factored in any of the costs that business will pass along to the consumer to offset the carbon tax on them. It's estimated that once you factor in those costs that families with $40,000 household income will pay an extra $124.00/year above their rebates. So yes it is going to cost the poor more to live even if they are robbing from the rich. Horseshit plan like I said.
  24. Once again, do a little reading on the history of the Republicans and the media, it's their strategy, 92% of their base believe the main stream media is fake news, sad but true. Outlets like CNN play right into this Republican strategy, they would be better off pumping the tires of the Dems instead of 'fact checking' whatever the President says. And I never said Trumps hate speak wasn't to blame only that the media is also complicit for falling into the Republican trap. I'm Canadian, Trump could drop dead for all I care.
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