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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. You need to do a little history on the war between the Repubs and the media, it's been going on for generations and is a Republican staple, Trump has just taken it to the next level,
  2. Take off your blinders, when they criticize Trump they are fueling the hate his base already has for them. What's next shooting up a soft ball game...oh wait that wasn't them now was it.
  3. They have lost their minds down there. How do you not blame the media on both sides for stirring the pot?
  4. Right from your link, The wealthy 30% pay for the bottom 70% and this will someone reduce emissions? Like I said, the rich have more money than they know what to do with so I don't expect them to complain too loud. Do you really think the rich are going to change their spending habits because of this? If you do, you're just fooling yourself. And what are the other 70% going to do with those $300 yearly rebates? Buy a Tesla? lol. This is a horseshit plan so let's just call it what it is, rob from the rich to give to the poor, might make a few bleeding hearts sleep better at night but does nothing in the big picture.
  5. You hit the nail right on the head, it's the redistribution of wealth. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-failed-climate-policies-are-about-wealth-redistribution I am opposed to the carbon tax and there is nothing I can do about it, except vote the Liberals out next election and hope the next government scraps it.
  6. Pretty clear from the graph above who the real culprits are.
  7. I miss the days of the Russia investigation, this latest violence is just too sickening. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/george-papadopoulos-says-he-knows-identity-of-spy-in-trump-campaign/ar-BBP2cH9
  8. The wealthy don't care, they have too much money to know what to do with anyways. Basic groceries, rent, medical and dental, prescriptions, legal aid, day care those are just a few of the things zero rated for tax unlike smokes and booze and now the cost to heat your home in the winter. The actual cost will depend on which province you live in not on what your economic class is.
  9. You're comparing a luxury tax on things you don't need like likes smokes and booze to the cost of heating your home in winter, not even remotely close to the same standard.
  10. It's not Foggs fault that he's 5'10" (maybe) and being asked to cover guys 6 - 8" taller than he is.
  11. Great game for Nichols, finally got the Calgary monkey off his back, congrats.
  12. Ha ha, we win you lose Stamps, end of story. Very happy for the players who have worked their butts off to secure a playoff spot. Coach O'Shea, no more 3rd down gambles from your 29 when you are up 2 scores please.
  13. Fortunately not a single one went off, how lucky is that?
  14. Should be a good game, too close to call.
  15. When does the exhibition season end so that we can start to see some real hockey? Or do we have to wait until the playoffs, it's like watching figure skating, crap.
  16. Nice cherry pick, now look at the big picture
  17. WTF is that? You are the one ignoring the science and relying on theories that are over 30 years old, whose the crackpot?
  18. That's the best you got? What about the first study, peer reviewed, the second as well written by a retired NOAA staffer. You can do better than that or are you just a hopeless science denier? Or do you just have a problem with engineers and Asians? Seems you're running out of excuses to keep defending a position that science can no longer support.
  19. Good thing we are playing our best football right now as we are going to need it to make the CO as I predicted we would.
  20. Do you guys need to be hit over the head with a shovel? All the latest science is pointing against the hysteria, get with the times. https://www.mdpi.com/2225-1154/6/1/3/htm https://tropical.colostate.edu/media/sites/111/2018/01/Bill-Gray-Climate-Change.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324035341_An_updated_review_about_carbon_dioxide_and_climate_change http://article.esjournal.org/pdf/10.11648.j.earth.20180703.13.pdf In short, there is unlikely to be any significant net warming from the greenhouse effect on any planetary body in the parts of atmospheres which are >10kPa. A decline of 6% in lower tropospheric tropical cloud cover (15°N–15°S) occurred 1984 – 2000 according to the international satellite cloud climatology project’s data [29]. Scatter diagrams [55] of low cloud cover vs global surface air temperatures indicate that a 1% fall in low clouds equates to a 0.07°C rise in surface air temperatures – hence this change in cloudiness accounts for the entire observed rise in global temperatures during the 1975-2000 period, leaving no room for any effect from growing greenhouse gases. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/IJCCSM-05-2017-0107 http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6463/aabac6/meta http://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-HAQK201701006.htm https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1804/1804.03495.pdf
  21. Manziel doesn't look like he has the brains to be a winner, imo.
  22. Calgary looks pathetic, BC is the only team in the west that actually concerns me, we'll find out next week when they play the Riders, who still suck.
  23. https://www.dailysignal.com/2018/10/19/uns-solution-to-climate-change-end-capitalism/ Well this plan sucks.
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