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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Well that was disappointing but it's still too early to tell what type of Jets team this is. I think losing Stastny though has set the team back from the one that eliminated Nashville last season. I like the Nylander trade ideas though.
  2. The only thing CNN has reported is, On Thursday, a US official familiar with the intelligence told CNN that the US had intercepts of Saudi officials discussing a plan to lure Khashoggi back to Saudi Arabia and detain him. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/12/middleeast/khashoggi-saudi-turkey-recordings-intl/index.html You are fabricating the rest, trying to connect evil Trump to it because he refuses to pull the $110B arms deal off the table. What rational president would do that?
  3. You're saying that Kushner/Trump gave their blessing to the Saudi's to off the guy.
  4. Do you really think they could keep something like that a secret? This is just more conspiracy nuttier.
  5. Detain, not murder, you're connecting the dots to murder all on your own.
  6. That's a complete stretch man, you're suggesting they were complicit in murder, stop and think about what you just wrote.
  7. Then you better include the Canadian Government https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-saudi-arms-deal-1.4579772
  8. Well if past history is any indication, I don't think you have much to worry about, here are some of the past predictions: Ice free arctic by 2013 - Al Gore Ice free arctic by 2012, 2018 at the latest - James Hanson NASA Ice free arctic by 2012 - Jay Zwally NASA Ice free arctic by 2013 not 2050 - John Kerry Ice free arctic by 2013 - Sierra Club Canada Ice free arctic by 2013 - Peter Wadhams Cambridge U Reality: today Arctic 3rd highest sea ice volume in 16 years
  9. There is only one person to blame for this and that is Mohammed bin Salman, a ruthless, reckless, and impulsive leader willing to repress and silence his critics at home and abroad.
  10. No I won't. I will use the same amount of fossil fuels whether it's taxed or not because 1) there is no affordable alternative and 2) there is no incentive for me not to.
  11. It would make far more sense to give us incentives to reduce rather than taxing, imo. It's going to cost me $20G to put solar panels on my roof through my local Hydro supplier and a carbon tax on top of that regardless if I have the panels or not? What a deal, sign me up. How about just rewarding me instead to reduce my carbon footprint? Why not just give me a discount on my utility bills for using less and other green initiatives?
  12. It's like that everywhere, you can't please everyone, only those that got you elected. It's why nothing changes.
  13. Why are China and India still allowed to build coal plants? If it was such a crisis, why wouldn't they be cracked down upon first. They can afford nuclear weapons and vast militarization but still have to build coal plants? Two grossly over populated countries sucking up resources at an alarming rate yet that is okay. Little old Canada that is carbon neutral has to suck it up for everyone else, something is rotten.
  14. I'm a hard core conservative when it comes to the economy but as far left as one can go when it comes to social issues, I don't think there is a party that encompasses that so I bounce between PC and Liberal, mostly based on their economic policies. In fact, I'm so far left on my social views that I think everyone should have a voice, even communists and nationalists, despite how repugnant they are to me. I think that's just how a democracy should work.
  15. Great post and pretty much the way I see it too. I just get a kick out of certain people who disregard science because it doesn't fall in line with their stance and then turn around and tell people they are anti-science. I don't like the politicization of it which is really all this was ever about, sad but true.
  16. Don't forget though, Trump was never a politician and never the Republicans first choice, his wave of popularity left them with no choice but to back him and now they have to ride it out.
  17. So, first you didn't believe NOAA, now you don't believe the American Geophysical Union, who's the flat-earther again? How can anyone take you seriously.
  18. His base will lap that **** up.
  19. Recessions are a part of every economy, they all have to cool down to keep inflation and interest rates in check, that's how it goes.
  20. The source is the study from the AGU, you just refuse science period unless it's part of your pre-determined narrative, and that study btw is good news for the planet as the warming may not be as bad as they thought. Why would you be against good news for the planet? Are you some sort of anarchist?
  21. The economic indicators say otherwise. Your theory doesn't hold water against the actual numbers of income and unemployment. Will it be short lived? Maybe, maybe not, maybe the USA is actually back?
  22. You're wrong about small business, this is the first tax break they have gotten in 30 years and will save them 20% on every $100G they earn, that's a big chuck and will let them reinvest in capital expenses.
  23. Why be a science denier? Because it doesn't fit your narrative any longer?
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