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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Well this is going to create a few red faces at the IPCC http://notrickszone.com/2018/10/08/reliable-cru-nasa-best-noaa-land-temp-data-conflict-by-up-to-90-0-8c-spawning-large-uncertainty/ And for those of you not familiar with the AGU, I suggest you look them up before you say they are oil company shills.
  2. He won on NAFTA, so I'll give him that one, to early to call the rest of the disputes he has going on. Small business is benefiting from the tax cuts, that is where there is a lot of support for his policies and when small business is doing well so is the economy. I don't know what you mean by 'the long run' he only gets 8 years at it so I doubt there will be any slow down during his term, if it even goes 8 years. There will always be a next recession, it's just depends on interest rates and inflation and when business puts the brakes on.
  3. No it was recovering from a recession, there was no where to go but up, the Dems did nothing but tax and regulate.
  4. That's why I posted the book title for them, hope they read it.
  5. That's about the only thing you got right. The tax cuts and deregulation are what is driving it, even the Dems agree on that one.
  6. No Campus for White Men: The Transformation of Higher Education into Hateful Indoctrination You should read it if you haven't already, it's no fake war.
  7. Most people know the difference between Trump and the Republican Party, at least those who agree that the Republicans run a better economy than the Democrats. The war on white men is just another political weapon the left has sunk to using, most sane people just see it for what it is.
  8. Except, that young people need jobs too https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-millennials/exclusive-democrats-lose-ground-with-millennials-reuters-ipsos-poll-idUSKBN1I10YH The online survey of more than 16,000 registered voters ages 18 to 34 shows their support for Democrats over Republicans for Congress slipped by about 9 percentage points over the past two years, to 46 percent overall. And they increasingly say the Republican Party is a better steward of the economy.
  9. The Democrats just keep digging a deeper hole for themselves, they really need to try a different strategy. The Trump base continues to spread and not because of hate, because the economy is cooking and unemployment is the lowest in 60 years and all the Democrats continue to do is sling mud that won't stick.
  10. Bombers 456 total offense, Ottawa 455 total offense. Those are big numbers but with the lopsided possession time it really shows the difference in the two offenses. Ottawa can strike quick, we can't, we still have trouble pushing the ball downfield for some reason.
  11. I actually agree, we don't have a quick strike offense, we have to grind out everything. It's going to be tough keeping that going every game.
  12. Big win for sure. Funny how the two offenses couldn't be more opposite, I don't know which one I like better.
  13. I'm not surprised, the defence has been playing well for awhile now.
  14. Way too many long faces around here for a team on a 2 game win streak. We just embarrassed the Evil Empire folks, enjoy it, because it may not last.
  15. Butts destroyed Ontario provincially, I highly doubt Ontarians will let him do the same to the country. And Quebec's Nationalism is contrary to Sunny Ways. I have faith in the voters.
  16. Yet at other times he makes some really nice throws, so it's not like he has completely lost the ability to be a good qb. I still think Lapo has a lot to do with his play. 20 passing attempts in a CFL game isn't normal.
  17. Well, let them go down with the ship if that's the way they want to do things. If the defence is for real, it will be a shame that they didn't try to load up for stretch run and will be their undoing.
  18. https://globalnews.ca/news/4506505/quebec-election-caq-francois-legault-wins-majority/ Wow, the Liberals are out in Quebec, another right wing party takes power ala Ontario. Looks like it could very well be one and done for Trudeau, hooray.
  19. Me too but it's not like we completely suck, we're right in the mix despite losing 4 in a row and starting to play our best ball.
  20. That's the real difference, other teams got hit hard by injuries and blew through their PR guys. I don't mind rewarding a guy like Thompkins/Washington for sitting on the PR all year making squat with some game time cheques. That's just who Walters/MOS are, they are straight up guys. Maybe they could be a little more cut throat but I don't think they want the organization to be seen in that light.
  21. He's always had alligator arms (Baby Bowman).
  22. I think there was less bickering when we were on our 4 game losing streak then there is now. Everyone just needs to chill, discuss the post and lay off the personal attacks. oh and the Riders still suck.
  23. Please, like Woli and Petermann are going to lead us to the promised land, time to wake up and smell the coffee.
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