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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I remember you getting laughed at for saying 5 - 2 down the stretch. You still may but like you said, was that the real Bomber D or just a perfect storm of everything going their way and nothing happening for the Esks. Fingers crossed.
  2. Was it the wind? I thought the Bombers were doing that on purpose to try to recover it, lol.
  3. The interior of the o-line is getting pushed back into Nichols on more than a few occasions. He hasn't been able to step up in the pocket, at least that is what I have been noticing, making him look almost panicked at times.
  4. Guy was playing with one arm tonight and a qb who couldn't hit a barn. It's sad because our 3 internationals were invisible most of the game or had alligator arms. Don't expect to go far with Woli and Peterman as your 1 & 2.
  5. Poor Dressler has been relegated to the role of 'the fly sweep guy' nice going Lapo you stiff.
  6. All three linebackers were fantastic tonight Special teams coverage was excellent Our national receivers were the best on the field which is great for them but sad really.
  7. So Rich Hall finally took the reins off the defence and them let them play, who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? As for Lapo, I'd give him one more game then pull the play the calling duties from him, he coaches like he's in high school ball, only one throw over 10 years until well into the 4th quarter, that's not how winners coach. Great win btw.
  8. Can anyone believe that Ancient Aliens just wrapped up it's 13th season?
  9. Filibuster or hope the senate doesn't approve Kavanaugh.
  10. Hmm, tough call, could go either way. The more recent allegations coming out against Kavanaugh make the guy look like a real creep. Re: the Graham comment, if you can ignore everything in this record an allegation that’s 35 years old, that’s uncertain in time place date and no corroboration. If that’s enough for you , God help us all as Republicans. That should be concerning to everyone.
  11. The letter was addressed to the left, Dems, Liberals, you know what I mean, not you in particular. They shouldn't embrace him but when someone extends an olive branch why not grab it? Isn't that what it means to be human?
  12. First of all, yes I am biased but not for the reason you think. I'm biased because a knew a beautiful person who was raped and murdered by a sexual predator and it only came out after the fact that it wasn't the first time he had done this, the other victims only came forward after he was arrested. They could have prevented this senseless tragedy but chose not to, so yes I'm very biased, angry and pissed right off when I hear all the excuses for not coming forward when something like this happens, all it does is enable the predator until it reaches the inevitable end. So it's not in the FBI's jurisdiction, have the Maryland PD investigate then, what difference does it make which law enforcement agency investigates, they will reach the same conclusions, or should.
  13. I thought the left was the party of understanding and healing, why is this any different, reach out and practice what you preach.
  14. Who's stopping the FBI from investigating, all you have to do is report a Federal Crime to them: That agent can then write up what is called an administrative subpoena and submit it for approval. This is reviewed internally, with up to seven layers of oversight, until a budget and staffing assignment can be made and an official investigation begun.
  15. Heard it last night on CNN, the statements are the only evidence and they will be available at the hearing, you don't need to drag people in just to reread their own statements, even Don Lemon agreed with this lol.
  16. And Trudeau blames all his failures on Harper and the Conservatives Canada's economy has stalled and is losing jobs and investment Nationalism has been on the rise since before Trump and started in Europe due to ill conceived immigration policies We were warmed that Trudeau just wasn't ready and guess what, he wasn't With the recent revelation that the AG wanted to Watergate Trump, they are just as complicit in the whole mess Welcome to politics in the 21st century, it's not about what's best for a country anymore.
  17. The sworm statements are the only evidence and will be available at the hearing, what more is there to investigate?
  18. Clinton lied about it that was his only crime, although if it had happened today, the me too movement would have also be screaming for his head. He took advantage of his power over his subordinate. The timing of the accusations just makes it look like a political smear job and yes I have a problem with people who don't report these crimes and let sexual predators continue to hurt more victims when they could have done something about it to stop it. A Doctor of all people should know this. As for the second accuser, Ramirez, CNN reported last night that Ramirez was phoning classmates because she wasn't even sure if it was Kavanaugh who exposed himself.
  19. When somebody's starter goes down you pull a Wally and tell them they can negotiate with him but the price to do so is $70K.
  20. The only way to be certain is to report it right away so that police can obtain the forensic evidence they need to determine if the charges should proceed. Unfortunately, there is no way for police to gather the forensic evidence they need now, the entire investigation has been prejudiced for both parties. What evidence are you going to rely on, he said she said?
  21. By far the worst but their luck is going to run out. You can only rely on other teams to gift you wins before it catches up to you. There is nothing scary about this version of the Riders, without the miscues of their opponents they wouldn't even have half of those wins. They will be royally embarrassed come playoff time no matter who they face.
  22. If they had reported it to the police to begin with these sexual predators could be stopped before they hurt someone else. What is so hard to understand?
  23. The only evidence you have from 30 years ago is testimony which has been biased over the years, that is pure scientific fact. Now if she had made a police report of incident at the time, you;'d at least have a record of it occurring.
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