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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I don't know if he is innocent or guilty but the timing is sure convenient. Why didn't they come forward when everyone else was?
  2. I know that after 30 years you cannot rely on peoples memories of the events to be accurate, as an accident investigator, we must obtain witness statements as soon as possible, even a few days can bias peoples memories. Any statements in this incident are going to be spurious at best.
  3. One would think that if Kavanaugh were a sexual predator that there would be more recent incidents of it? I can't think of single sexual predator that took 30 years off?
  4. Good and bad luck balance out since they are both governed by chance, they will eventually cancel each other out.
  5. I have been hard on Roh but he was really busting his ass last night, hope he keeps it going. Nichols was sharp, end of story. Thompkins is a good route runner, gets nice separation from the defender, head and shoulders over Lankford.
  6. You really had to be there to appreciate the timing of the throws between Nichols and his receivers, both were very sharp, the balls were placed were only the receiver had a shot at it. That is when Nichols is at his best, when he's connecting on those timing routes.
  7. I don't think they could squeeze much more out of the players, what I witnessed last night was the A game for most of them.
  8. I don't know what everyone is complaining about. The Bombers played great, they were sharp, focused and disciplined. Best game I have seen them play in a while and Sayles making the game clinching play, what more could you ask for?
  9. He exceeded our expectations (mine anyways) with his play when he became starter, didn't he go something like 10 - 1, it was crazy and no way it could be sustained. I think the real Nichols is somewhere between then and now.
  10. Given the current roster you are probably right but it shouldn't be that way.
  11. Easily, I lose people at games on a regular basis, there are just so many places to hang out and run into people.
  12. Put your big boy pants on you two, you're making me weepy.
  13. You are accusing NOAA of deliberating publishing false data? You have gone off the deep end and become what you despise most, science deniers. And nobody is suggesting the warming hasn't occurred, only that there is so far no correlation between the warming and the frequency and intensity of hurricanes making landfall in the US. This is contrary to the model projections, which you still don't seem to realize are just that, projections only.
  14. If you can't refute the empirical evidence then you are wasting your time, case closed.
  15. Former Winnipeg Mayor Glen Murray is moving back to Winnipeg. https://globalnews.ca/news/4465383/former-mayor-glen-murray-moving-back-to-winnipeg/ Nice job destroying Ontario's economy Glen.
  16. They brought bodies in, at this point I don't care who they are, maybe some will surprise and turn out to be keepers.
  17. Thank you, the answers are right in the definition of the scientific method I gave you, empirical evidence being the facts (based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic) and hypothesis or theory, both have links so I won't repeat them.
  18. Please answer my question first, are you a science denier, do you disagree with the scientific method.
  19. Are you serious? Ever heard of the scientific method? The measurable evidence (frequency/intensity of hurricanes) does not support the hypothesis (global warming will cause more frequent and severe hurricanes). Are you a science denier?
  20. I know the difference between fact and theory, do you?
  21. Again, model projections and actual data are not the same thing. Right now, the actual data isn't supporting the model projections and until it does, what you are claiming is just hot air so stop it.
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