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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. What is insane, the only thing unprecedented is the long 12-year period from 2005 to 2017 which saw not a single major hurricane hitting the US. This is probably the most devastating and frustrating fact for the global warming ambulance chasers. That’s a glaring statistic that’s impossible to alter. The frequency and intensity of major landfall hurricanes hitting the eastern seaboard is declining, end of story. https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0184.1 The real data isn't supporting the model projections at this time, so quit making **** up.
  2. Okay, I can't take this anymore, you have officially gone off the deep end, right from NOAA so that there isn't any question https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/historical-atlantic-hurricane-and-tropical-storm-records/ Figure 3: Normalized Atlantic Indices. Since the late-19th Century global (green) and tropical Atlantic (blue) temperatures have risen – an increase that was partly driven by increased greenhouse gases. If one does not account for possible missed storms (first red line) Atlantic tropical storms appear to have increased with temperature; however, once one accounts for possible missed storms (second and third red lines) basinwide storms have not exhibited a significant increase. When one focuses only on landfalling storms (yellow lines) the nominal trend has been for a decrease. Figure adapted from Vecchi and Knutson (2008, J. Climate) Now stop spreading your alarmist bullshit already.
  3. Thanks Colin great stuff. DI'sLooks like Medlock, Rivers, Fenner, and Wild Not a single player on offense and wonder we struggle at times. Roster management needs to change asap.
  4. He needed a wake up call and hopefully this was it. He needs to be more flexible and less arrogant in his approach, admit you got it wrong and now fix it instead of folding of the tent. If MOS can do that, then I will agree with those on hear who think he has become a good HC.
  5. Bombers should pound them if they don't shoot themselves in the foot too badly. 10 point spread sounds about right.
  6. Or the low requirements needed to be a Bomber HC. Levity boys, just levity.
  7. Banjo Bowl, we started 4 nationals on the oline, RB & Safety, is 6, only needed 1 more Nat, Dline, receiver. We could have had 4 or 5 internationals at receiver at the same time. We can't seem to get over our fascination with our nationals? Is it because Walters and MOS feel some sort of twisted loyalty to nationals because they are ones themselves? The reason they can't find those international guys is because they don't want to, they have a hard on for nationals.
  8. Truthfully, I don't know what all the buzz was with him, he hasn't struck me as a leader. That may change and he may turn out to be the next great CFL qb but I didn't see anything special there.
  9. I thought Jarious Jackson called a great second half against the Als defence. I would add his name to the list of up and coming HC's.
  10. We've seen this before, Lapo's offences are a quaterback meat grinder, he won't adjust when another team starts to bring pressure.
  11. I disagree, if 90% of the country could see it, than it should have been obvious to a GM
  12. Harris & Masoli are streaky but have a far higher ceiling than Nicholls ever did.
  13. Ding ding ding, a 1st round pick would have done it and maybe swap some picks in later rounds too. A small price to have had to pay for the league MOP. Reilly going to Edmonton wasn't a done deal, Reilly not getting to free agency was.
  14. imo, MOS is as arrogant as they come. A 4 game losing streak may just be the best thing for him.
  15. BLM, Reilly, Harris, Masoli, Ray, Lulay....not sure who thought Nichols was top 3?
  16. Talking about wanting the picks to negotiate with him if they don't reveal what you just wrote.
  17. Have you heard anything since the Banjo loss. Legitimately asking because I may have missed it.
  18. Just asking, seems odd to me that Walters has been invisible during a 4 game losing streak and the circus surrounding Nicholls and his comments. I would think any GM would want to try to calm the waters or something?
  19. The league could have voided the deal if that was the case.
  20. Anyone else think that the GM should have said something before the break? Maybe like a vote of confidence in the coaches to get things turned around, the season isn't over yet, yada yada yada..... The total silence just seems odd to me.
  21. lol, not pining over them but I wouldn't mind seeing what 4 or 5 international receivers on the field at the same time could do.
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