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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Far better than it has been under Walters in less time in some cases.
  2. You have to compare the amount of time they had too, note that I didn't say just receivers.
  3. Both Winnipeg and BC appear to be hooped at the qb spot. It's going to be a turtle debry down the stretch for the CO now.
  4. There's only about 100,000 or so players in D1 & D2 down south, the question should be why can't you find any. Joe Mack and his scout buddy didn't have too much trouble finding guys, neither did Taman or Kelly, look no further than the man in charge.
  5. The Role of a CFL Head Coach Just win baby!
  6. Those 2nd round picks that BC got didn't amount to anything.
  7. How about just changing the launch point, you know roll him out of the pocket, why have him stand there like a statue waiting to be sacked.
  8. No way Connor is 3rd line. Connor Scheif Wheels Laine Little Ehlers Then the rest. Little and Perrault may have trouble staying off the 4th line this year.
  9. They track targets and catches, Adams was barely above 50%.
  10. The oil companies have never done better now that they are playing both sides of the fence, or have they been all along? Hard to believe they wouldn't have a succession plan with a finite resource now would they.
  11. Okay, I'm just going to say it, we could use him.
  12. Not often, I would guess that his receivers have dropped more catchable balls then he has missed on.
  13. I said he has the arm strength, not the throwing motion, agree Brock just flipped the wrist, it was crazy.
  14. http://notrickszone.com/2018/08/30/scientists-now-assert-natural-mechanisms-have-driven-the-recent-retreat-of-the-greenland-ice-sheet/ Think I got schat on by the group thinkers here for posting this theory awhile back, turns out it was correct. Now that Trump has taken the muzzles off the deniers, we should see some real science coming out instead of just model projections. Have a nice day everyone.
  15. I have no idea how good he could be, only that he is a physical beast with a cannon of an arm. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000488449/article/se-louisianas-bryan-bennett-hit-60-mph-with-combine-throw
  16. Bond, Fogg, Sayles, just no all stars yet, but they are working on it.
  17. Lions release receiver Kevin Elliott after DeVier Posey comes to B.C. http://3downnation.com/2018/09/12/lions-release-receiver-kevin-elliott-after-devier-posey-comes-to-b-c/ Everyone was sure it was going to be Rainy.
  18. Bennet can throw the ball threw the eye of a needle at 100 yards, freakish arm strength, just needs a shot.
  19. Nichols was never going to be the 'guy' he just got hot there for awhile and fooled everyone, his noodle arm has been on full display now.
  20. Bennet has the arm strength that Dieter did, I would really like to see him get some reps this year.
  21. I just replied in the other thread Petermann & Woli in the slots, Adams & Washington/Thompkins are the wideouts, getr done.
  22. Petermann & Woli in the slots, Adams and _______ wide outs. Just need to fill in the blank and we are on our way back to the glory days.
  23. Kickers, especially punters, are much better at getting the ball between the sideline and hash, covers teams have a lot less ground to worry about.
  24. Yes, historically when we have cleaned house, everyone goes but, we never had a dedicated scouting department before this regime created it. Maybe those guys go too but it would be nice to at least retain some of them, like I said before, Edmonton finds talented imports because even though GM's and coaches come and go there, Paul Jones has been retained.
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