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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. But you missed the most important part, they have laid the foundation for a successful organization and will leave it in far better shape then when they took over. The next regime can now be staffed with qualified, experienced people because before these guys arrived, you couldn't draw flies to this organization, at least that's the hope.
  2. I'd give them until the end of their contracts, next year for sure for MOS and 2 more for Walters. They've put the organization on solid ground, but that may be the extent of their success, we should wait and see.
  3. It actually is, our scouting department is only 5 - 6 years old? You can't compare that to a guy like Paul Jones who's been in Edmonton for 20+ years (he's outlasted coaches and GM's) and expect the same results, that's just not realistic. We chose to build our own organization from the ground floor up mostly because we had to. Considering where they started from, the last two season of 23 - 13 is really impressive. These guys may not get it done in the end but they will have definitely left the organization in a far better state then where they started from and it will be that much easier for the next regime coming in.
  4. No. Everything they can. Because they are doing what they feel will work. Looks that way, the DB Preister? saw some action for Fogg ans wasn't a total disappointment (bad PI penalty that took a pick off the board). Look, we may have lost 4 in a row, but when your all star QB is playing like schat, it doesn't matter what the rest of the team is like, ask the Detroit Lions. I don't see why not, I like both Streveler and Bennet, they are accurate passers who can escape, they have the tools but need time to develop, probably 2 - 3 years or you run the risk of killing their confidence.
  5. We're being too hard on our guys, most of them are younger than us, they are just up and comers. You can't expect them to perform like Huff in Calgary or Paul Jones in Edmonton, those guys have been around the block for years. Give it some more time, this is a long term build whether we like it or not.
  6. I know, some people just want to bury their heads in the sand, they are desperate to find anything positive about this season. I suppose if we miss the playoffs altogether, we can still say 'but he got us Bighill', whatever helps them sleep at night.
  7. Hey, these guys are emergency replacements, nothing wrong with that.
  8. Only immature children boo their own team, grow up people, you are only embarrassing yourself and the city.
  9. I think, you read too much into things JC.
  10. Lankford was our speed guy, now he's sitting on the bench, hard to figure what the plan is sometimes.
  11. To quote a fellow poster on here, 'I think' let's me off the hook or is that hypocritical?
  12. I'm not surprised, everyone seems to be putting a premium on internationals this year, it's what the market will bear.
  13. GM's provide coaches with the ammo they need and Walters has been supplying MOS with a lot of blanks lately.
  14. I think you are on the right track gotmilt, but it's not just MOS or Walters, it's everyone on the football ops side, just no connections down south like there should be. I get the whole national talent thing but you only have to start 7, that leaves 19 other positions for imports which really make or break a team. This current regime has focused too heavily on nationals at the expense of internationals.
  15. This was just a case of the Riders peaking and the Bombers slumping so yes the Riders still suck.
  16. Let's hope there is some good news during the bye week surrounding the team, a possible trade? I think everyone in the east save Hamilton would be in the market, maybe we can land an experienced international receiver. A receiving corps with Adams, Dressler & ___________ wouldn't be bad at all.
  17. I voted yes, Walters needs to provide him with better international players.
  18. Yes, the qb position is always the most important but you can't overlook the roster decisions and play calling either. They new the o-line was going to be an issue going into this game Neufeld should have had help out there, the entire offensive game plan should have changed to max protection, two back sets, tight ends, full backs, everything to keep the qb clean and give him time. It's not like Sasks offence was a threat to do anything, all the Bombers had to do was grind it out and protect the ball and they could have put a W in the win column.
  19. Yeah I couldn't believe people were excited about the Bowman signing. Between he and Durant I almost barfed, and thought, 'boy aren't those a couple real team guys you landed Walters'. Now we know that is just an excuse they use to deflect from their horrible ability to recruit in the USA.
  20. Seriously, call Jim Zorn, he's sitting at home in Seattle waiting for a call from anyone who needs help with their qb's.
  21. MOS needs to go at the end of the year, one year left on his contract or not. He's had plenty of time to win a playoff game and hasn't. Jones is now ahead of him in that department.
  22. We should try and poach this scout, lol. http://3downnation.com/2018/09/09/nichols-throws-away-banjo-bowl-nine-thoughts/
  23. I don't care what other teams are doing, the Bombers got caught with their pants down on the injury front and ended up finishing the most important game of the season with 8 or 9 nationals on the field, that's a coaching/ratio fail plain and simple and what I have been harping on for the past 2 years now. It finally bit them in the ass at the most crucial time too.
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