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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. He's done a good job at national recruiting but that's not his only job, and we all knew it was going to take some time with the internationals as they were basically starting from scratch, but gee whiz it's been 5 years now, a little progress would be nice.
  2. I agree, I think Harris is being overworked and needs a guy like Flanders to spell him without any drop off in play, perhaps even more of a game breaking possibility. We're no coaches but this seems to be a no brainer, what am I missing, anyone....
  3. The elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge. cough...walters...cough...
  4. He has probably his best game as a Bomber against the Stamps and gets rewarded by being benched the next game, lol.
  5. I was pretty high on this team right up until the last 3 games, then the warts started to show. If Harris didn't carry the offense, nobody else could and now, even Harris can't drag them along with him. And you can't dismiss the other 2 phases of the team. Defence and special teams all need to contribute and not just once in awhile, every game. Until this team gains consistency in all 3 phases, I don't think it's realistic to expect a tweak here or there will get them over the hump. They have to figure out how to get all 3 phases playing well for 60 minutes for the next 7 games and into the playoffs and that will fall squarely on the shoulders of the coaching staff. We are about to find out if these are the right guys for the job.
  6. Tom Coughlin says high. But it usually takes years for a coach to become a 'hybrid' like he did.
  7. 4 of those wins in the 6 - 2 finish came against the 3 - 15 Argos and 4 - 14 Ticats.
  8. C'mon, the guys 6'4" with a 12 foot wing span and was wide open and Nichols over threw him.
  9. Perhaps Strev has better chemistry with these receivers than Nichols does because he's been practicing with them on the scout team all year? Nichols just doesn't look like he has any chemistry/confidence with this current group, yet.
  10. Nichols is having trouble hitting guys on the numbers on the fly over the middle. His passes are high and on the back shoulder of the receiver, almost impossible to catch and more likely going to be deflected in the air to the trailing DB. You can't put that on any receiver.
  11. Not the same as putting 7 points in the bank. The offence has always been able to kick fields goals, which is what they have primarily relied on Medlock to do. This offense has just never been good at scoring TD's on a consistent basis.
  12. Anyone remember what started the turnaround in 2008? Didn't Glenn or Berry start calling the plays instead of the OC, the OC maybe got canned? Somebody refresh my memory....
  13. Well, in the past, we could rely on our defence getting turnovers and scoring or short fields for the offence and the special teams usually scored too. This team isn't getting that extra scoring and the offense isn't good enough to get it on their own.
  14. This season is actually starting to remind me of 2008. Bombers were expected to get back to the GC but for whatever reason Glenn schat the bed on us. We finished 8 - 10 and were one and done in the playoffs against Edmonton (who crossed over from the west). You could basically insert Nichols for Glenn above and it would be the same story all over again.
  15. My bad, it depends which side has more receivers lined up on it, it can be the right or the left depending on the formation.
  16. Then why is our best CB Randle on the weak side? Don't most throws go to the weak side?
  17. If you haven't already, you should send a letter to the BOD.
  18. Yep, second in the west is till very much in reach while the CO is even more secure.
  19. Yep, Bombers are 2 points out of second/third in West, not nearly panic time yet.
  20. I can't see any western cross over team advancing very far this year. Hamilton & Ottawa are both set at the qb position and Montreal seems to have found something Pipkin. Toronto is the only week link in the east right now.
  21. There will be some interesting scenarios for next year depending on how the team finishes this year. MOS will be on the last year of his contract while Lapo/Hall would be up. If the Bombers tank this year, I would be surprised if both coordinators are back. So if you are Walters, do you let MOS hire his new coordinators for possibly his last year or do you, with the expectation that one of them will be the next HC of Bombers when MOS contract is up ie. MOS is a lame duck HC for 2019. Obviously, any coordinator that you do manage to land will also have to have the assistant HC handle, if he's making a lateral move, with the assurance from Walters that he will be the next HC of the Bombers. There are also some up and coming position coaches out there who you could roll the dice on, again, I mean MOS didn't exactly have a wealth of coaching experience before being handed the HC job. How the Bombers finish the season is going to impact a lot of coaching jobs in Winnipeg next season.
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