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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Agreed again, the problems are obvious.
  2. Agreed, this one is on the offence, 6 second half points, gutless play calling (hand-off on 2nd and 15 from the 35???), Lapo hasn't changed. What a dis-service Harris for racking up 158 yards on the ground. I have lost what little faith I had left in this team of chokers.
  3. For those Rider fans still lurking around here Q. Why do ducks fly over Mosaic Stadium upside down? A. There's nothing worth craping on!
  4. Wow, the injury bug is really biting us (better now than October I guess). Time for the young'ins to step up.
  5. He played okay in his 4 wins, could be a lot factors, the injury is getting worse, he's missing Dressler, no run support, we shouldn't ass u me anything at this point. Bottom line, he hasn't been good enough in the losses.
  6. Milt doesn't drink. That Christion Jones for the Riders is scary.
  7. So then actually the rights to Gray for Rainey and Burham would be about right and make us instant GC contenders.
  8. David Foucault ring a bell? I think you may be a tad over estimating.
  9. I'd take Burnham & Rainey for one of them straight up. Hervey wants to move bodies for next year already.
  10. https://winnipegsun.com/sports/football/cfl/winnipeg-bluebombers/bombers-happy-to-keep-waiting-on-first-round-pick-geoff-gray You wanna break the bank for him? “If and when Geoff Gray comes back, he’s had one, two or three years of training as an offensive lineman with the NFL,” Walters said. “He’s gonna come back big and strong and more pro ready than he was. The caveat to that is you’re going to have to pay for that. You’re not going to get Geoff Gray at his eighth-overall pick salary, you’re going to get him at three years in the NFL salary. That’s the give and take of it.” ~ Kyle Walters
  11. Big time trade bait, if the Bombers want to go that route. Otherwise, I agree that we see him here shortly.
  12. I think most of us knew that the offense wasn't going to be able to sustain 30 - 40 point nights all season to bail out the defense. All that matters is getting hot going into the playoffs.
  13. I think everyone has had time to vent now. You gotta have a short memory right? I'm sure the Bombers have moved on and are now getting ready for the most important back to back of the season. A split is a must, two wins and we will all be on cloud 9.
  14. lol, roughly 50% thought this defence was above league average - championship caliber!
  15. Likely a split but, if we lose both games schlit is going to hit the fan. Just a matter of who get's covered with it. Might be bye bye O'Shea, hello Lapo.
  16. Or the receiver didn't run to the area the blitzing player just vacated. Hard to say until you watch the film on that one.
  17. Okay then, is it the chicken or the egg? Sounds to me like better scouting won't solve anything because the real problem is whoever's in charge of deciding who is going to play?
  18. It's called the hot read, both qb and receiver have to recognize, an audible shouldn't even necessary, it's been part of the game since day one.
  19. What is the ceiling of this team and how is it trending? I think any analysis should always start by answering those two questions. At the very basic, is Matt Nichols capable of winning it all? The way he is playing this year, the answer would have to be no. After that, nothing else really matters. Quarterback is the be all and end all in the CFL.
  20. Yes, I think that is a fair comment. Is it not the DC's job to go to his HC and say, I need to replace a few guys because they aren't getting the job done?
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