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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Sounds like hollow excuses after yesterdays replay no?
  2. Wally always has and always will motive by fear. Fear of being replaced if you don't perform.
  3. I don't think anyone would disagree with you on that.
  4. I'm telling you Bennett is the real deal, maybe not right now but soon.
  5. I'm talking about his US scout, just can't remember the guys name. Or how Murphy, did they have let him go too with Kelly. Guys is just one of the best player personnel people in the league. Those are bad decisions made by the current GM whether you wan't to admit it or not.
  6. Streveler is exciting but Bennett is the future, if our staff doesn't find a way to f that up first.
  7. The elephant in the room nobody is talking about. They should kept Mack's scouting pipeline in the US, the one they have now is a disaster.
  8. These last two games we are starting to see some mistakes in the basic fundamentals, I it think that is what MOS was referring to when he said the players need to be better. Randle for example didn't get any sort of jam on Michel at the line on his TD and then he and two other Bomber didn't even attempt to tackle Jorden on his TD. This is a really bad sign that the players heads just aren't into the game. There has to be a shake up of some sort. To quote Kavis 'consequences'!
  9. We've seen how we stack up against the best in the East and West the last 2 weeks (both blowouts losses). It's pretty clear that we can't compete against the best. I don't know what the answers are but I know that doing nothing shouldn't even be an option.
  10. First half and second half were night and day, second half we got no pressure on BLM and the offense went completely dead.
  11. I'm not advocating for change, just some people want to fire people now, which never works out.
  12. Nichols held the ball too long today. Not counting the garbage time TD, he put 6 points on the board..........that just isn't going to get it done.
  13. So basically, the HC just stated what many on here have been saying lately.......how do you defend that?
  14. Disagree, two went right through his hands and the other (long bomb) though under-thrown, went through his arms, all 3 very catch-able and what you would expect your #1 guy to come up with in a big game.
  15. If you are going make changes, it's better to clean house at the end of the season, starting with the GM.
  16. Adams had the dropsy's today, 3 very critical ones that could have really changed mo. Did he and Lankford change numbers today?
  17. Nichols is definitely not the same quarterback we've seen the last 2 seasons, he no longer gives us the best (any) chance to win.
  18. I got nothing............good to stay about what we just witnessed in that second half, the results say it all.
  19. Stamps are ripe for the upset, Bombers just got to be hungrier and want it more. Go Bombers.
  20. Pipkin? I thought that was Damon Allen out there tonight. Nice to see Montreal getting their act together.
  21. They had won 3 in a row, maybe they just got a little lax reading their own press clippings, it happens. They are now starring down a potential 3 game losing streak so I think you might see a little more compete from everyone.
  22. Speaking of observations, did anyone notice that Dressler @ 5'7" is actually listed as weighing more than Lankford @ 6'. lol, 168 to 167 Just a corny fact, nothing of value really.
  23. Masoli is some kind of special, from unimaginable brain farts to improbable completions, he covers both ends of the spectrum from brutal to brilliant. Gotta hand it to that Hamilton D though, pitching a shut out in the second half was the only chance they had of winning that game, and they did it, gotta give credit where it is due.
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