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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Just continue to do what you did in the other 5 wins this season. Get pressure on Mitchell and don't let him sit in the pocket and pick you apart, force turnovers and no stupid drive extending penalties.
  2. Well this won't make Booch happy, the Riders just signed former Argo 1,000 yard receiver Kenny Shaw.
  3. The players still have to execute, you can have the best game plan in the world but it won't matter if the players don't execute. It doesn't have to be about dropping passes or missing throws either, it can be as small as missing a block or being yard off your route. It's the execution of the details that sets players/teams apart.
  4. Popp thinks Trestman can turn him around, wouldn't that be something.
  5. Nope, ain't going to happen. I'm towing the company line till the bitter end, it ain't worth the **** and abuse one has to put up with here unless you happened to play pro ball, then you get a pass, for just having an opinion. But JCon is correct, the coaches have faith in Lankford and that's good enough for me.
  6. Nobody is saying that Lankford is the answer, just that the coaches have determined that he is our best option until better options become available. I would be very surprised if that wasn't the case, people's livelihoods are depending on it, so I would think that would be the main reason.
  7. Game speed is still a different animal than practice, you know that better than any of us. He's the best option because the coaches have looked at all their options and determined it to be so. When/if better options become available, I have every confidence that they will explore those too but until then, you play the hand you're dealt. Perhaps Walters is exploring more trade opportunities as we speak? They did move Bowman so anything is possible. I don't anything about Washington, I refer to the coaches to make that call. Maybe Lankford has earned a couple shots at redemption before it's Washingtons time to take a turn, don't know, can't say but we have to have confidence that the coaches know what is best right now.
  8. We can second guess every decision a HC makes but at the end of the day he is just doing what he thinks gives them the best chance to win games, you can't fault a coach for that. And who are we to think that we know any different, we aren't around these guys on a daily basis like the coaches are.
  9. I can understand your frustration but Lankford is the best option they have for the role. I'm sure they looked at all the others and came to this conclusion logically. Lankford just had some rust to shake off as it was his first game, I'm sure he will be productive now that he has had a taste of game action again. Defences do have to respect Lankfords speed and deep threat capabilities as he is capable of making the big play.
  10. Lankford in the lineup is the correct choice from a tactical perspective. You have to have the deep threat to back off the linebackers to help open up the run game for Harris. It is the right decision even if it's not a popular one with the fans. I'm sure that if they had a better option to go to then Lankford they would, but they don't, so you have to go with what you got. Maybe once NFL cuts become available they can look at other options but for now, it's the right choice.
  11. Thanks Rich, I know that our coaches are probably some of the best teachers of the game in the entire league.
  12. At just 5' 6" and 160 lbs Rich Hall was a CFL All-Star and 3 time GC Champ. He proves that there is a place for the small DB's of the world and it's right here in the Peg. I have every confidence that Rich Hall is the man for the job and knows exactly what he is doing. We shouldn't be criticizing a man of his credentials, they speak for themselves.
  13. That's a long time ago just going off memory, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/bombers-to-cut-500-000-in-team-expenses-1.252839
  14. Dave was a real football guy until he got saddled with the penny pinching of Taman/Bauer, that took him down.
  15. lol, in case you haven't noticed, there's a pack of 12 years old running around here who have no interest in talking football.
  16. lol, it's getting harder and harder to keep admitting that this coaching staff/GM have even a hot clue on what it takes to build a winner but I won't give up hope as promised. C'mon you guys let's sing the Bomber fight song.....
  17. Coming off a blowout loss at home what did you expect?
  18. You're right, I was an idiot to every question the talent on the team, of course it's the best we have ever had and will undoubtedly turn out to be the best season ever.
  19. You're right, I'm wrong, I should never question the knowledge of the majority around here, you guys are always right about everything and I'm such an idiot to ever second guess you. I'm so, so, so, so, sorry, it will never happen ever again.
  20. Reliable's fine when you should have 3 internationals seeing the majority of the balls. Stoddard was good enough with Milt, DA and Edwards. Where is our Milt, DA and Edwards international caliber receivers now? Everyone else has them except us, why is that?
  21. That is the grand total of his CFL experience, optimism and nothing more, and we wonder why it's going on 28 years since a championship?
  22. I never complained about Adams, only what is behind him with Dressler out again. There is nothing but optimism.
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