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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I'm fine with our national receivers but they haven't proven anything yet, I would hope they do better than JFG & Kohlert did but those two guys were reliable and that's all we were asking them to be. It's our international receivers that have been the bust, Adams aside. I don't know how anyone can even argue this point?
  2. Sorry, I meant international receivers, we were supposed to be starting Adams, Bowman & Dressler were we not? Now we are down to Adams, Thompkins & Lankford. Yes I would take just about any of the guys who left in the LAST TWO YEARS over what we have now for INTERNATIONAL RECEIVERS.
  3. Draw me a picture here, your starting receivers would be Adams, Thompkins, Demski, Wolitarsky, Peterman and LaFrance?
  4. This is nothing more than wishful thinking, those guys need time develop unless you don't care if we don't win another game all season.
  5. Seriously, I make an honest mistake and it's lying to support an argument, believe what you want to, but the receiving corps has regressed big time in the last two seasons and it's being reflected in the passing stats.
  6. Seriously, I have never booed the Bombers in my 25 years as a season ticket holder.
  7. Who ******* cares when they were here? The point is they aren't here anymore and the replacements haven't stepped up.
  8. My point, however i get there, is that Nichols does not have the same targets he did when he was more productive. Coincidence, maybe but I highly doubt it. You take veteran guys out of the line up and it affects any qb's comfort zone. Nichols didn't just turn into a bag of schat all on his own.
  9. Correct, but only on your time line. The talent has clearly dropped off, I don't know what scale you are using to establish light years better, did you just make it up?
  10. We lost Denmark, Smith, Kohlert and Guidino, not the best but they are better than what we got now.
  11. I don't blame Nichols at all. Last year he had Adams, Denmark, Dressler and Smith plus Kohlert and Guidino. This year's bunch doesn't compare.
  12. The evidence is right there for everyone to see, first in the run next to last in the pass, even TO has more passing yards than the Bombers. It's no illusion, you can blame Lapo but he's been around long enough to know what is and isn't going to work. You can't have a great passing attack if you don't have the horses to run it.
  13. Fine will get you wins against the bottom half of the league, which is about where we are at. We still won't compete with the top teams though, it's why they brought in Bowman. They should have known that he had already flamed out and Dressler hasn't played a full season in what, 5 years? Guys five foot fa too boot, can't take the pounding anymore. Adams & Demski (who's still learning the game) are all we got. When a team can't field 3 stud international receivers in the fifth year of their program, it's time to turn the page on them.
  14. I wouldn't say that the Bombers played poorly. This was just a case of Ottawa handing them their lunch. They lost just about every battle from the line of scrimmage on down. They just got beat by a more talented football club who was out to prove something, and they did it quite handily. The Bombers are not a good football team despite what you think. The offence relies on an aging, but still effective, running back and a money kicker, that's really all there is. The defence is as bad as it appears to be, the secondary players can't cover big, physical receivers (although Ottawa was allowed to push off all night uncalled). Until they find guys in the secondary who can match up against receivers like Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary etc. nothing is going to change.
  15. This is pretty much it in a nutshell. Our receiving corps doesn't scare anyone. Harris is the straw that stirs the Bombers drink and if you take the straw away you will find there is nothing much else in the glass.
  16. I feel for Matt Nichols, he didn't deserve the boo's, Winnipeg really does have some of the most classless people I know, probably even worse than Philly. If you want to show disapproval for the club, stay home and boo from your couch, an empty stadium will get you more results. Having said that, Matt Nichols is the best QB we've had here in some time but, he can't do it on his own. The supporting cast around him is still too weak and that goes for coaches as well as players.
  17. You basically have a 50/50 chance of success on a two point convert, so getting 4 in a row in one game is a 6% chance of success. Anyone who doesn't think our defense stinks just needs to stop and think about that for a minute. It would be like you flipping a coin and getting 4 heads in a row.
  18. I guess we'll find out in the next three games just what type of team the Bombers are.
  19. They used to just drop bombs by hand from bi-planes like the Airco DH.4.
  20. I guessed crossover in the prediction thread, so I'm just being consistent.
  21. Cross over is looking likely and one and done in the playoffs again, at which point changes will be made.
  22. And people on here thought it was a good decision, lol. Just like bringing in Durant, Bowman, etc etc....
  23. Nichols would look a whole lot better with Ottawas receivers than the what he has to work with. Ours don't even know half the time where the first down marker is. Get some talent for him to throw to for shits sake.
  24. They got ass whooped tonight plain and simple. You can blame the coaches all you like but the talent just isn't there in the secondary or receiver positions for this team to contend with the top dogs.
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