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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. It takes some kind of awful to lose to that bad BC team, and make no mistake, they are a bad football team. However, the Bombers haven't taken that next step of being able to beat up a team like BC on a regular basis. Dumb and dumber just keep finding ways to hold them back.
  2. Hamilton is good, no one is taking anything away from them. But, a defence that can't get off the field has real big problems. It would have been pretty simple to just rush 4 all night and, occasionally 3, dropping a DE into coverage just to mess Masoli up once in awhile. But that's not Hall's style, he lives and dies by the blitz, especially from the secondary, which leaves you exposed back there. Hall clearly isn't flexible or we would have seen some progression of the defense in his time here. Only solution is to tie the can to him.
  3. Anyone who thinks that juggling a couple players like safety or wil is going to make a difference is overly optimistic. This is just a poorly coached and run defense. Hall thinks he's some sort of blitzing guru but all his blitzing is doing is pulling players out of position costing them big chunks of yards. And we all saw his lame attempts to pressure Masoli. Masoli was getting rid of the ball on the third step of his drop and had max protection, the blitz isn't going to get there, especially when your db's aren't press covering the receivers and throwing off the timing. Dropping our db's out of coverage was just the icing on the shitcake Hall served up.
  4. The offence has a ready made excuse with Nichols out, Streveler is going to struggle it's inevitable. But that defence, my god what is it gonna take to see that Hall is a clueless putz?
  5. Hall must have found Jim Daly's old playbook, what am embarrassing game Hall called tonight and Lapo wasn't much better. Just a very disappointing job of play calling from those two.
  6. Nice win Z. Was the wind really that big a factor, couldn't tell on TV, but taking it in the 2nd & 3rd sure looked like the right move. The Bombers will never win a championship recycling garbage like Hall and Lapo.
  7. This is completely foreign territory for Bomber fans, actually having young guys behind your starter who can run the offense. What a giant leap from last season. I think Bennet may actually have a better deep ball than Streveler but really who cares with results like last night.
  8. Nice win HTC thank you. I am really looking forward to next week, should be a great game.
  9. I really like this Bomber team, good depth with lots of weapons. D-line showed up big time as we suspected they would.
  10. Happy, but you should be concerned if they give up that many yards to that offence.
  11. That Rider o-line is swiss cheese, quarterbacks are dropping like cow pies at the Johnstone Auction Mart on a Saturday morning.
  12. Most voters don't vote with their heart, they vote with their wallet. The corporate ladder is full of trampled corpses.
  13. So he caved to public pressure after all, maybe he isn't such a dictator after all?
  14. Not going to defend what Trump is doing, he's a heartless SOB but this history lesson is a good read for all https://splinternews.com/here-are-some-of-the-democrats-who-paved-the-way-for-th-1826963453
  15. I'm surprised nobody has commented on him trowing twice on that final drive instead of running the ball and milking the clock. The coaches wanted him to be the hero and win the game, bad call.
  16. - asylum seekers or not, they have to cross at a point entry, what I have read is that they didn't do this which is why Trump can use the policy; - of course it is a political maneuver, he wants his immigration bill, he campaigned on it and got elected on it, his base wants it too; - it's so ingrained in those folks that you aren't going to change their minds, you just have to wait for them to die.
  17. Never mind trade, they are the most vile offenders of human rights on the planet and our Turd PM admires their basic dictatorship, what a complete ******* moron, With China you don't even need to try, https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/china-and-tibet Why would you even attempt to defend the PM on this. China should never be held up as a shining example of anything, they are a brutal regime devoid of any human decency.
  18. No he shouldn't throw anyone under the bus but he should take the blame himself and assure us that they will be better???? Or something to give us hope that this isn't going to be ground hog day all over again.
  19. Has to be a publicity stunt, dude is done.
  20. Just saying, but children are ripped from their parents everyday in the USA and Canada, not sure what makes this any different? The parents broke the law, any parents that break the law, if severe enough, would lose their children to foster care. But seriously, whites are becoming a minority in the USA and it scares the crap out of them. They see this as their last hope to hang onto any sort of elected government. Any minority would react the same way. Not that I agree with but if you stood to lose everything you might react the same way too.
  21. Rider front 4 was dominant, Ray was uncomfortable all night and Wilder had a big target on him. That's Chris Jones though, always has the best defence.
  22. The front four was disappointing. But what was the safety doing on the bomb to Walker, he had cheated to the other side of the field even though Reilly never looked that way once. I'm going to write this one off as rust or new personnel still getting to know each other. Hope it changes because this was another typical Rich Hall performance.
  23. “You know, there’s a level of admiration I actually have for China ….”China? Why China? “Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.'” ~ Justin Trudeau How quickly we forget, you lefties need to go back under the rocks you crawled out from.
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