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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Bombers cross over and end up in the GC game.
  2. There are 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
  3. Trump is a shark who smells weakness and JT reeks of it. Trump doesn't respect him and will continue to treat him like a *****. Look at the leaders Trump admires, Putin, KJU, strong men you can't push around. JT better either grow a sack or put someone in charge of trade that Trump will respect or it's economic hard times ahead for this country.
  4. I spoke too soon... http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2150470/nobel-peace-prize-donald-trump-and-kim-jong-un-maybe-its-still
  5. Exactly, Obama would have already received the Nobel Peace Prize if he had pulled this off. Hard to believe people can be so invested in their own politics that it even Trumps common sense.
  6. The ad box at the bottom of the page is now full of razors, thanks markf.
  7. Tax and spend governments just don't fly anymore. One and done for Justin.
  8. Are we talking about a straight razor?
  9. I was a bit surprised to hear the news he was starting. Let him do what he does best, get out of the pocket and chuck it deep.
  10. Caps have made some nice adjustments the last 2 games, Maurice could learn a thing or two from Trotts.
  11. That's just sad man. I have had three concussions during my career and fortunately no after effects thus far. I'm no doctor but it just seems to amplify pre-existing conditions like depression etc. rather than sending you into full blown delusions.
  12. Plan the parade! Seriously though, what a signing.
  13. This is what happens when you rot kids minds with left-leaning political views: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/dimitrios-pagourtzis-santa-fe-shooting-1.4670405
  14. Sour grapes or not, it does actually look that way. In reality though, it's all about how much effort the players put in on the ice. Vegas just out works you, and that's a reflection of the players and how much they want to be successful. Too many players today just show up for the pay cheque.
  15. After 3 straight losses you would think the Jets would realize that maybe we need to change a few things about the way they are playing. They may be generating lots of shots but they aren't making life miserable for Fleury or the Vegas top line. After hearing Wheeler and Maurice post-game, I don't hold out much hope that things are going to be any different.
  16. Iran is screwed. If they start up their program, they will lose the support they have left from the agreement. The sanctions will eventually cripple their economy and they will have to renegotiate and concede on things like ballistic missiles and sponsoring terrorism as well, which the current agreement doesn't address. It's the right thing to do with Iran.
  17. Got **** on for telling you the guy was a locker room poison, now you see what I mean.
  18. During 2017, there were 150 graphs from 122 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals indicating modern temperatures are not unprecedented, unusual, or hockey-stick-shaped — nor do they fall outside the range of natural variability. We are a little over 4 months into the new publication year and already 81 graphs from 62 scientific papers undermine claims that modern era warming is climatically unusual. http://notrickszone.com/2018/05/10/81-graphs-from-62-new-2018-papers-invalidate-claims-of-unprecedented-global-scale-modern-warming/#sthash.QgCk6M4S.dpbs Who are the deniers again?
  19. Watching that Nichols workout it looks like he has buffed up nicely.
  20. Great job in the draft, addressed our current needs and landed a couple of real studs. Just need the US recruits to come through and we have the makings of another great season of Bomber football. Except for Rich Hall, should have tied the can to him.
  21. I don't want to make Mark F cry but, c'est la vie A global-scale instrumental temperature record that has not been contaminated by (a) artificial urban heat (asphalt, machines, industrial waste heat, etc.), (b) ocean-air affected biases (detailed herein), or (c) artificial adjustments to past data that uniformly serve to cool the past and warm the present . . . is now available. http://notrickszone.com/2018/05/03/its-here-a-1900-2010-instrumental-global-temperature-record-that-closely-aligns-with-paleo-proxy-data/#sthash.mLDyALlv.dpbs most of the modern era warming occurred prior to the 1940s, and the there has effectively been no net warming since then.
  22. Pretty much the way I see it too, https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/04/judge-in-paul-manafort-case-criticizes-robert-mueller-probe.html The judge said the charges against Manafort do not have anything to do with Russian interference in the 2016 election or potential collusion with Russians by the Trump campaign. The judge also strongly suggested that Mueller exceeded the scope of his special counsel office's authorization by charging Manafort with crimes that have nothing to do with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election or possible Trump campaign collusion with Russians.
  23. How does airing someones dirty laundry equate to the potential unauthorized release of classified documents on a private email server? One is guilty of bad taste, the other of a crime against the government.
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