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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Is there even a Russia investigation anymore? The decay of western society thanks to the liberal media. Whether Putin planned it or not, mission accomplished on further dividing the country.
  2. They got the split, anything else would have just been a bonus, this is going to be a long series. The ice and reffing were ****.
  3. Comey's going to make a mint off that book.
  4. Mr Comey says he believes Mr Trump's hair was his own and his much-mocked hands did not seem unusually small.
  5. There is absolutely no question Trump is dirty of something but it won't be Russian collusion. Let's not forget, Trump was not the Republicans first pick for president, he came out of nowhere and they ended up getting stuck with him. There is no loyalty between the Republicans and Trump and I think they would be quite happy to impeach him and put one of their good old boys in his place.
  6. It's not my intention to insult anyone, if I did I apologize for that. Like you, I won't back down from my beliefs if I think you are wrong about something I'm going to say so. I am in a science field, have been for over 25 years and when I see people attacking other scientists just because their results don't fall in line with current thinking, I get annoyed. I'm actually all for green energy, it's cleaner, provides new jobs and is good for the economy but please don't try to tell me that I'm a science denier, just because I'm not as passionate as you might be about something. And don't try to tell me that I don't understand the science, you don't know anything about me or how much or how little I know of the subject. I have read every link that has been posted here and it is just more of the same mainstream information that has been out for years, much of it is actually out of date. I admit, the temperature data was a bit over the top but it was meant to show you that it has gotten dam hot on the prairies in the past without any help from humans.
  7. The judge in California threw out the case Mark https://www.heartland.org/news-opinion/news/hot-air-let-out-of-californias-climate-change-lawsuit The judge also agreed with the following Happer and the others provided a lovely summary. Have the courts gone crazy now or is it the lunatics on the other side who try to bring these suites to begin with?
  8. So which ones the anti-Christ? Maybe both, would explain their collusion.
  9. That is where you and I differ on this. There better have been reliable evidence in that 2016 counterintelligence report to warrant the Russia investigation and collusion with the Trump campaign. That is what the investigation is to determine, not if the Russians interferred, we already know they did, but whether or not the Trump campaign conspired with a foreign power to effect the outcome of the election. If there isn't, then Trump is going to come out smelling like a rose and the FBI and DOJ are going to lose all credibility. It's a sobering thought to think that Trump might have been telling the truth all along and that the 'system' is really that corrupted by partisan politics.
  10. No one is above the law, not the POTUS, not FBI, not the DOJ, they are supposed to all be working for the people, instead they play internal mind games with each other, it's a dog and pony show and needs to stop, drain the swamp. lol.
  11. You are starting to see the light my friend, In Chapter 9, the key science chapter, the IPCC concludes that "it is very highly likely that greenhouse gas forcing has been the dominant cause of the observed global warming over the last 50 years". The IPCC leads us to believe that this statement is very much supported by the majority of reviewers. The reality is that there is surprisingly little explicit support for this key notion. Among the 23 independent reviewers just 4 explicitly endorsed the chapter with its hypothesis, and one other endorsed only a specific section. Question everything has always been my mantra. I won't believe something just because the consensus may, show me the actual evidence behind what you are saying and let me decide for myself.
  12. The documents were to be turned over to the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, The Justice Department this weekend also announced the designation of a sitting US attorney to oversee the process.
  13. Because it's not part of his report they are asking for, it's a 2016 report.
  14. I'm not the one posting models 80 years in the future showing temperatures on the prairies. If it looks like a duck, it's probably a duck. If CO2 is the control knob for temperature, then is Winnpeg immune to the affects?
  15. Because they haven't turned it over which is why Nunes id freaaking out.
  16. As for today what does Environment Canada have to say https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/mb-38_metric_e.html Record high 25 C in 1968 You'd think with all that CO2 we've pumped into the atmosphere since 1968 (50 years for those who need help) we'd have been able to surpass that high? What's the problem?
  17. Well there is some good news, global average temperatures are cratering, so let's see if that trend continues https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/amsutemps/amsutemps.pl?r=003
  18. Great read about stress and life expectancy, not what you think it would be...... http://notrickszone.com/#sthash.QOdo67PC.dpbs
  19. It's not a complete crock, everyone knows the Russians interfered, Putin did it to harm Hillary, there is no disputing that. What there is no evidence of and never has been is that there was any collusion before the hacking of the DNC emails with anyone.
  20. You need to do some serious homework if you are not familiar with the Putin Clinton relationship when she was secretary of state. Putin vowed revenge and he got it. And I am not suggesting there was any collusion with any of the candidates, this Putin all on his own.
  21. Everybody knows that Putin did this just to screw with Hillary. It starts and ends with them hacking the DNC emails.
  22. Climate is 30 years of weather, 1955 - 1997 is 42 years, see what I did there?
  23. Here's what Environment Canada has to say about March 10, 2018 in Winnipeg where I live, https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/mb-38_metric_e.html In 1955 on this day it was 24.4C and in 1997 it was -16.9C That's a natural variation in temperature of 41.3C
  24. I have no problem with catching bad guys but this investigation is supposed to be about collusion, not porn stars and finance violations.
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