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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. It was in 1988 that the IPCC announced that the greenhouse effect was real, of course the oil companies knew about it, so did everyone else in the world at that time, lol.
  2. The scope of this investigation is really getting out of hand, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43706709 The whole Russia thing is a red herring, this is now about everything but, that tells me they have nothing on collusion and are desperate to twist as many people as they can to see what leaks out. Pretty sad day of the justice system in a free country.
  3. Communists, lol, get a life. Of course these so called peaceful demonstrators were the hooligans again. https://globalnews.ca/news/4104758/duel-protests-in-hamilton-bring-out-heavy-police-presence/
  4. Various countries announced they were making the same move in solidarity on Monday. These are: US: 60 diplomats EU countries: France (4); Germany (4); Poland (4); Czech Republic (3); Lithuania (3); Denmark (2); Netherlands (2); Italy (2); Estonia (1); Croatia (1); Finland (1); Latvia (1); Romania (1); Sweden (1) Ukraine: 13 Canada: 4 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43545565
  5. Danish scientists not good enough for you JC? Everyone knows you can't get a contrarian paper published today, the system is fixed.
  6. Just when you thought things couldn't get worse for JT Even the Greenies hate him now, lol.
  7. Those folks had a legitimate claim, this is not the same thing.
  8. Win and get your costs and damages back.
  9. It's exactly what Pallister called it 'persuasion money' and no country or province should have to put it up with it when it's economic viability is at stake. There are no grounds for the MMF claim and you do not want to set a precedent by paying them persuasion money. Fight it in court and sue for costs and damages and proceed with the project without delay. Let the rule of law apply.
  10. Since you White Walkered this thread lets keep up on the latest scientific studies that continue to blow holes in theory: http://notrickszone.com/2018/03/23/uncertainty-mounts-global-temperature-data-presentation-flat-wrong-new-danish-findings-show/#sthash.NKE4BzVn.GkhkpeR6.dpbs You gotta love the Danes, go Jets, Go Ehlers.
  11. I like how you twisted the Chevron defense into an admission, nice try though, https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/03/22/with-the-dismissal-of-the-exxonknew-lawsuits-climate-alarmists-are-now-in-bizarro-world/
  12. The MMF is negotiating a settlement of their claims with the Feds and will be compensated accordingly for them, the Province doesn't owe them anything for the use of the land. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
  13. This looks like it could be the first crack starting to form in Trumps teflon armor. If's he's guilty, I want him to swing.
  14. That's not entirely correct Mark. We can calculate, roughly, how much radiative forcing comes from a doubling of CO2 and how that might effect the energy balance of the plant. We still don't know what the actual effect of that extra energy will be, it might just all end up at the bottom of the ocean or aerosols in the atmosphere may completely negate any effect whatsoever, heck, we don't even know what role clouds actually play in the whole picture or cosmic rays or a thousand other climatic variables. Ask any climate scientist worth their salt they will tell you the picture is far from complete. http://notrickszone.com/2018/03/22/200-non-hockey-stick-graphs-published-since-2017-invalidate-claims-of-unprecedented-global-scale-warming/#sthash.XKr6pqTD.dpbs
  15. Okay it takes a country of bozo's to elect one, better.
  16. From a plow, a bag of seed and a medicine chest to this, leave it to government to screw things up every time.
  17. Sex sells, always has, always will.
  18. But it took clueless bozo's to elect him, reflects bad on everyone not just the PM.
  19. Bad, essentially bankrupt thanks to the NDP, wouldn't be surprised to see the for sale sign go up.
  20. The same damage that every tax and spend government does. More debt means more money for debt servicing and less for social services, which means raising taxes again to pay for the services. It's a vicious cycle left for future generation's to pay for and it's wrong.
  21. I think they will, they like pencil in 8 for flexibility so I don't think that will change.
  22. People are waking up from their Liberal and NDP nightmares and seeing the damage can they inflict in a very short time on an economy. I wouldn't be surprised to see a wave of blue provincially and federally in the coming elections.
  23. I've said Trump is a POS, but he is also the elected POTUS, that's democracy and I don't feel the least bit sorry for the 'not my president crybaby's'. As for the investigation, show me the proof already. This was supposed to be an investigation about Russian interference in the election not a character assignation of the Trump campaign staff which is really all that has come out.
  24. He's been a Clinton/Obama bag-man from day one, I wouldn't read too much into anything been said right now until the rubber hits the road, show us the proof already.
  25. I'm not the one jumping to conclusions now am I.
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