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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Or just what it said in the link I posted:
  2. Why doesn't the media investigate? lol, who is that guy?
  3. This was the recommendation of the FBI's own disciplinary officials, McCabe must have abused his position big time. https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/trump-lauds-firing-of-ex-top-fbi-official-andrew-mccabe-as-great-day-1.3847200
  4. Exactly, whoever signs him will overpay badly and he is no Andrew Harris.
  5. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/03/09/judge-rejects-polygamy-law-challenge-in-canada.html What the heck is going on in the wilds of BC?
  6. It's all connected you know, one big conspiracy to bring down the Potus.....
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/09/house-republicans-expand-dossier-probe-seek-info-from-obama-officials.html The Republicans are quietly building a 'Watergate' like case behind the scenes. This isn't going to end well for anyone.
  8. https://www.tsn.ca/cfl/video/naylor-ambrosie-in-halifax-with-potential-ownership-group-members-a-positive-sign~1325194
  9. Good clarification, everything including renewables are well behind coal in what they do, generate electricity.
  10. All these charges mean absolutely nothing though if you can't tie Manafort back to Russian intelligence. This Kilimnik character, Manaforts Russian connection, was cleared of being part of Russian intelligence last year already in the Ukraine investigation. There's an old Russian saying, three people can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
  11. I don't think flipping is even an option for Manafort. If he is really that deep in bed with the Russian Oligarchs then reprisal from them is probably scares him most.
  12. Well, he's only 45 and facing at most 5 years in jail. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
  13. Doesn't sound like there is much smoke in the Gates guilty plea or that he has cut a deal to roll over on anyone https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/23/politics/gates-guilty-plea-mueller-russia/index.html
  14. Anybody know what the latest is on the Sandy Hook lawsuit against Remington and their AR-15? Last I heard was that a judge was letting it go trial, a victory by the plaintiffs and a massive award by the courts against Remington could just be the answer. Manufacturing these types of assault rifles for the general public does seem like negligent entrustment. Civil actions appear to be the only language that Americans understand.
  15. That's pretty lame even by Fox news standards.
  16. The only one spewing misinformation here is you my friend. I have said many times that climate change is real, we can measure it and the proof is in the results. What I have taken issue with is the CAGW crowd how think that all global warming/climate change is man made and only man made.
  17. Can you cite sources for your first three comments, I am genuinely interested to know where you got this information from? A quick wiki search shows that coal is still the number 1 source for energy production in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_energy_consumption
  18. Just recently released, so not surprised we haven't heard more yet, although liberal media outlets probably won't give it much attention: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/feb/21/trumps-european-climate-change-critics-fuel-us-coa/
  19. California is a strange state, refusing to let their local law enforcement cooperate with ICE officials, despite their own officers saying it's a bad idea and will put them at risk of harm. US exports all around are surging. The most ironic is coal sales to Europe, especially France, you know, the guy who freaked on Trump for pulling out of the Paris agreement and recruiting all those climate scientist Trump put out of work. I guess it's okay to talk a good game but the reality is the world technology isn't anywhere close to abandoning fossil fuels yet. But that's typical of Liberals/Dems, say what people want to hear to get elected and break every promise you make when reality sets in.
  20. A possible fourth is that a judge throws out the case against Manafort & Gates because when the FBI raided his home they obtained documents their warrant didn't cover ergo violating his 4th amendment rights. CNN reported on this back when it happened. Also Mueller was a lawyer at the firm that represented Manafort & Gates back when they were committing these crimes in the Ukraine, in fact, Manafort was actually brought in as witness at that time for the DOJ when they investigated what was going on over their ergo Manafort had an expectation of immunity. This would be very hard for a judge not to see the connection.
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Distinguished_Gentleman I might have to watch this movie again as it seems to be making a comeback in Washington.
  22. And that's how it starts, first it's your lawn darts, then your kindereggs and finally your guns, lol.
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