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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/threat-prime-minister-trudeau-social-media-robert-kerr-alberta-edmonton-1.4543306 Wholly 1984 batman, big brother is watching you....
  2. Interesting, prohibition was repealed, so why not?
  3. It shouldn't be surprising to anyone, Trump hired a bunch of lawyers to run his campaign who had a history (and a very good success rate) of influencing elections around the globe. They did get him elected afterall, so they did their jobs. Now people want to take issue with the methods they used, fine but don't pretend this sort of thing isn't going on all the time.
  4. Sounds like he is a bit of a utility guy who can catch and return kicks too.
  5. That Ehlers-Copp-Laine line is really struggling, Maurice needs to move those guys to 4th line duty until they wake up.
  6. Just follow the money......
  7. lol, not for me, I feel sorry for the rest of you saps who haven't seen a GC win your lifetimes.
  8. Well the Russians apparently did funnel millions through the NRA to the Trump campaign so I guess it's just more collusion.
  9. WTF, Woods & Reed good enough for Trestman but not the Bombers.
  10. Oh I agree that stuff goes on in the USA but I was referring to what Noeller said about him playing in the CFL and taking a knee during the Canadian anthem.
  11. I wonder what methods the government is using to oppress black NFL quarterbacks?
  12. And the answer to the question is.......a resounding no. This is going to come back to bite them in the ass, again.
  13. Just irresponsible journalism, rushing to judgment before all the facts come in, the editor should never have let this see the light of day.
  14. This goes back to when Zwaan, Manafort and Gates all worked on an election campaign in the Ukraine back in 2012? Very exciting news.
  15. Diner with friends on the weekend and a Billy Ocean tune came on, lol, it was magic.
  16. 1. They knew the Russians had been hacking their elections since 2008, it's why Obama expelled all the Russian diplomats and expanded sanctions, again nothing to see here despite what you think. 2. The US does not have a federal statute punishing corrupt efforts to influence an election, unless done by particular prohibited acts such as vote buying or illegal political contributions. There is a statute punishing conspiracies to defraud the United States, including conspiracies to interfere with a governmental function by fraud. Special counsel Robert Mueller will surely focus on whether a conspiracy to interfere with the right to honest elections is a crime, but the question is greatly complicated by the 100-year-old Gradwell case; that case refused to apply the statute to interference in elections for senators and representatives, because the Constitution and laws assign to the states, not the federal government, the regulation of elections for those offices. It would not be a large step to say the same is true of the election of the Electoral College in presidential elections. Collusion with the Russians in attempting to affect the outcome of the presidential election is a serious political scandal, but it is not clear that it provides a basis for criminal prosecution. You don't think the Democrats know this? Everything the liberal media outlets report fails to mention this, yet they continues to stoke the fire that somehow this is going to bring down the Whitehouse, that is partisan politics at it's worst. 3. Hard to believe that 40% of Americans think like Trump but they do and that's reality, calling them a basket of deplorable's though is not how you win them over. 4. When the President is actually convicted of a criminal offense worthy of impeachment. So far, he's guilty of bad taste and nothing more, which is all the Dems have to pound away on and it's getting pretty tired. Maybe it will work out for them in the end but if the American economy keeps growing, along with jobs and wages, most people won't care if he is an ass. The Republicans know exactly what 2. above is all about and how it's going to end. The Dems can't focus on anything else which is just fine by the Republicans.
  17. As I already said: 1. The FBI knew even before the election that the Russians were meddling, this goes on in every election everywhere in the world, with the US being by far the worst culprit, so nothing to see here; 2. If Trumps campaign conspired with the Russians for dirt on Hilary, that's the way politics works, Trumps lawyers will claim plausible deniability and again, nothing to see here; 3. Just because my humble opinion may be different than yours, you should still respect it, as I do yours, even if I don't agree with it; 4. Just because I think Trump is vile human being, doesn't mean that he wasn't the best candidate for president, unless your only criteria was the party or who the nicest candidate is, fortunately most voters vote on the issues and not just if the candidate has nice hair; I will ask you straight up, since my subtle attempts have failed, do you honestly believe this whole thing isn't just partisan politics or are the Democrats somehow 'too good' to play those kinds of games in your mind?
  18. As long as Matt Nichols is happy (which he is) and healthy, the Bomber offense will roll. The defence and special teams are the ones that need to pull their weight if this team is going to be GC bound. I think they have gotten closer to a GC appearance but not sure they are their yet to win it. I think the teams are just a lethal return man away but the defence is a big question mark as is Hall.
  19. What I'm saying is that I, like Putin, am enjoying watching the US tear themselves up from the inside out. The dummies are the last ones to be feigning outrage over the behavior of a president or election interference and are just as complicit as any other US politician. The Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie-Mellon University, found that the U.S. attempted to influence the elections of foreign countries as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000. That’s just till 2000! The US has gone nuts since then. Often covert in their execution, these efforts included everything from CIA operatives running successful presidential campaigns in the Philippines during the 1950s to leaking damaging information on Marxist Sandanistas in order to sway Nicaraguan voters in 1990. All told, the U.S. allegedly targeted the elections of 45 nations across the globe during this period. In the case of some countries, such as Italy and Japan, the U.S. attempted to intervene in four or more separate elections. Figures do not include military coups or regime change attempts following the election of a candidate the U.S. opposed, such as when the CIA helped overthrow Mohammad Mosaddeq, Iran’s democratically elected prime minister, in 1953. If we add those in, we’re looking at the entire Earth having suffered from US meddling. If the Democrats had the the countries 'interests' at heart, they would pushing for unity now more than ever instead of fanning the flames for their own political gain.
  20. Trump is a vile human being, a wise guy from New Jersey with the morals to match. Every US president has had skeletons in their closet, some far more despicable than anything Trump is hiding. Everyone knows the US interferes in foreign elections, they even interfered in our last election, using the same methods and even worse than what the Russians did. Putin absolutely despised Hillary and there is no doubt he was behind smearing her. The US just got a taste of their own medicine for being the bullies on the block for the last 70 years and doing things without impunity. So besides telling us what we already knew, how is this helping to unite their country and end partisan politics?
  21. That's the best Mueller has come with up, tweets and twitters calling out Hillary? lol, what a sad and desperate play by the dummies.
  22. Didn't see the Roh signing coming, a dozen DL on the roster I'm guessing the secondary wasn't the only thing on defense they wanted to revamp, good job.
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