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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. This says it all for me, https://www.change.org/p/cbs-to-declare-star-trek-discovery-to-give-the-franchise-to-someone-who-knows-star-trek
  2. That's a bit of a stretch, what was the racially driven motive?
  3. Rawwwwww but I like his athleticism.
  4. Interesting bit on Bomber linebacker Kyrie Wilson, https://justblogbaby.com/2016/05/10/oakland-raiders-kyrie-wilson-looking-reach-high-ceiling/
  5. Jets are still thin at centre. Need to find someone who can spark Ehlers and Laine, those two shouldn't be third liners with all their talent.
  6. Hard to believe this didn't make the main stream media, but the Mann case should get more coverage especially if he has to concede he fudge his data, https://principia-scientific.org/breaking-climatologist-dr-tim-ball-wins-epic-libel-court-battle/
  7. Obama couldn't get it done in 8 years, what makes you think Trump would do anything? This is a consequence of a systemic problem with American society.
  8. Bear Woods please HM can go pound sand, Woods is the better MLB anyways and we don't need the ratio spot.
  9. They have plenty of National options on the roster plus the upcoming draft but, why wouldn't you bring Steele home too?
  10. Wait a minute, you guys told me we had an all-star secondary and I was crazy for insisting there would be changes. I expect those who insulted me to nut up and apologize now, as if. Fenner on top of it all now, what a great day for Kyle.
  11. Woods and Reed are still on the board, c'mon Walters don't be a *****.
  12. No surprise on Demski but I am very happy they did, with Bowman our receiving corps is night and day better than last season.
  13. Reminded me of the Chicago game they lost at home, Maurice should have juggled the lines sooner, Bryan Little looks done as a play-making centre, time to elevate JR with Ehlers and Laine.
  14. I think you'd be surprised, http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/domestic-violence-against-men-target-of-controversial-campaign-1.2989105 https://www.theguardian.com/society/2010/sep/05/men-victims-domestic-violence http://www.cbc.ca/radio/the180/why-louis-ck-is-wrong-to-police-ticket-sales-diversity-in-the-judiciary-and-domestic-violence-against-men-1.3775006/men-are-victims-of-domestic-violence-more-often-than-you-think-1.3776182 http://torontosun.com/2016/06/23/men-also-suffer-from-domestic-abuse/wcm/b634914f-6bfb-4118-a755-d4b0ca803b01
  15. Sounds pretty clear that they are willing to roll with Wild & Knox and a couple young guys (Wilson & Jones?).
  16. What part the 40% or the cases being reported by the media.
  17. Just as an aside, it is estimated that 40% of domestic abuse is against men, given the number of victims coming out, when is the other shoe going to drop? For every 6 female victims there should be 4 male victims and I don't believe the cases being reported by the media are bearing those numbers out.
  18. Well we definitely needed a stud I receiver, let's just hope he doesn't get booed off the field at home after a couple drops. Peggers tend to have a long memory when it comes to that stuff.
  19. Yup and when it's done right, it can be a thing of beauty.
  20. And here are the roles they played, Robert Mueller, the special counsel leading the probe into alleged Russian interference in the election, was the head of the FBI when it investigated Rosatom officials’ extortion and corruption. And the investigation was led by then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, The Hill reported. Rosenstein is now the deputy attorney general; McCabe, until last month, was the deputy director of the FBI.Mueller's investigators in the Russia probe report to Rosenstein. The special prosecutors instructed by the Justice Department to investigate “certain issues” pertaining to the Uranium One deal will also report to Rosenstein and Sessions, according to a letter obtained by Fox News.Congressional committees are looking into whether Mueller informed the Obama administration, particularly those tasked with approving the Uranium One deal, prior to CFIUS approval.
  21. Trump's legal team is amazing, they have tied Mueller, McCabe & Rosenstein all back to the Uranium One deal where the Clinton's pocketed millions in bribe money from the Russians. They may just be on the verge of discrediting the entire Russian investigation, fruit of the poison tree.
  22. We need another stud I receiver, I MLB and 2 I DB's If Walters can't get at least 2 of those 4 in FA, then he has failed. The other 2 should come through scouting but I'm not holding my breath on that. All the rest is just window dressing and not really a need, imo.
  23. There will be blood. Lock her up, lock her up.
  24. Except that the FBI and DOJ knew that Steele was anti-Trump and would do anything to derail his election. Again, it's just the appearance of stacking the deck against Trump.
  25. The cops in Regina will even give you ride to the edge of town.....
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