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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Because Trump supporters and fence sitters will believe it's just a witch-hunt. Drain the Swamp!
  2. lol, the FBI and DOJ appear to have conspired against the Trump campaign with a dossier paid for by Clinton & Dems. Even if this isn't the case the FBI & DOJ had a duty to reveal that to the judge in the FISA order. Appearance is everything and it looks like Trumps slick legal minds have pulled it off.
  3. There are some really good names on the market at MLB, hope Walters is able to snag one.
  4. $150K is not a serious offer, actually quite insulting. $300K plus bonuses would have been realistic.
  5. The guy who had 13 yards rushing on 9 carries and 18 yards receiving on 2 receptions in the GC game wants a big raise? Let him sit.
  6. Locker room poison, probably going to regret this signing.
  7. The best part of that article is the comments section.
  8. Neither, use the cap space in free agency on another starting National so I don't have see Hurl on the field, except on the teams.
  9. Stay away for a while and the whole place starts making sense.
  10. x3 on the Younger theory, I think he is going to make a great coach some day.
  11. Losing Westerman would be devastating and almost guarantee Hurl is back starting at MLB, barf.
  12. Not surprised, Heath was more concerned about picks than actually playing cover.
  13. Sad that Rich Hall still has a job with the Bombers, just sad.
  14. lol Glenn, he couldn't see over our oline, he'd be worthless.
  15. I thought Sherman had retired for good in Cape Cod, he had started some sort of Athletics training centre for kids there. I guess it's only an hour to Montreal from Cape Cod so maybe that was the deciding factor for him?
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_O'Shea_(Canadian_football) Wow, I completely forgot about that trade, Hamilton had Damon Allen and let him go....
  17. You probably only saw O'Shea in the twilight of his career because if you had seen him in his prime, you wouldn't be saying what you said. He was every bit as good or better than his american peers. At least my argument has the stats to back it up, yours oth is just pulling stuff out of your ass.
  18. We've needed a MLB since Lobo, hard to believe.....
  19. lol, after what you said to noeller, pot meet kettle.
  20. They wanted a football team, the Bills was their wet dream, then reality finally set in.
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