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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Kyle Walters isn't an independent source but nice try.
  2. This satisfies the definition of a citation. "Media types" could be from Winnipeg too as it doesn't say they were not.
  3. sorry spuds, wrong thread.
  4. As mush as I detest agreeing with a rider fan, he is spot on here. Give Hall better players and things are different.
  5. Theses are 300 plus pounders we're taking about, Neufeld needed time to get back in game shape because he was injured so often. If he can stay healthy he is showing he can play and maybe even start.
  6. I hope not I like JFG and now with Coates coming along we are in the best shape we have been in a long while but that doesn't mean we should stop trying to get better, especially in free agency.
  7. You should always let a position coach interview for a HC job if the opportunity comes up, even if they are not serious about wanting it. It's a slap in the face to the other organization to just say no thanks, as we found out in the past.
  8. Let me ask you straight up then, can this current Bomber team win the GC? You said in a previous thread that we couldn't with Lapo as the OC, so if we can't win the GC, how are we a contender then? Surely even you can see the nonsense in your logic even if spuds and the others can't?
  9. Take it for what it's worth https://www.cfl.ca/2016/10/16/berg-vs-ferg-which-coaching-job-stands-out-most/ I hate posters who cherry pick a line from a paragraph when they can't argue the entire post, you're better than that.
  10. Yet the majority on here want Hall's head on a poke and you want Lapos too, and I'm the only one? Who said the sky is falling, they are on the right track, just not as close as some seem to think they are. You judge a team by how they perform in crunch time, not how they played in July or August, ffs you know this. Calgary has also won a bunch of playoff games and cups in that stretch, unlike us.
  11. Yes it was a blowout Yes had Calgary played all their starters, Lefevour isn't winning that game for us. Nobody's downplaying what we have, only that we are not as close as some think we are to being considered a GC champ. 2007 was the last time we had anything close and had KG been healthy the streak would be over.
  12. Spinning what? MOS was a game or two away of being given an apple and a road map. Nichols basically saved his and everybody else's job. The only reason for the recent success is Nichols at qb. The rest of the team is no better than when he took over 4 years ago and I'm not counting Medlock because he costs us a DI and we shouldn't have to rely on 7 field goals a game to squeak out wins.
  13. Is step 2 becoming a serious contender or actually winning it? Because I'd say you have to actually win a playoff game first.
  14. History, for the Bombers anyways, doesn't bear that out. 27 years of evidence to back it up.
  15. Let's be honest, his job was on the line. It's a different situation now that he has put together back to back winning seasons, the question is does he have the vision to take the team all the way now.
  16. Ask the Stamps what a great regular season record gets you, or the Bombers for that matter. Defence wins championships always has always will, and offence that doesn't hurt you and controls the line of scrimmage. Do I think this team is close, yes, but there is a lot of pieces that need to fall into place before they are a serious threat.
  17. The injury excuse? That's the best you can up with. Didn't seem to affect Nichols performance did it? Even when healthy, that playoff game was one of his performances of the year, statistically. You, like many on here, have over rated the loss of the injured players. This team was playing it's best ball when Dressler was out of the lineup.
  18. It takes more than a good/great regular season record to be a contender, to suggest otherwise is simply asinine.
  19. Can't argue with that, I was screaming my head off in suite 23 to run the f@#king ball.
  20. Nice signings, let's hope the other free agents around the league also want to play here and we can really make some noise next season.
  21. And you'd be wrong. Edmonton left no doubt who the better team was, the game was never in doubt after the midway point of the 3rd. Heck, if Calgary had anything to play for instead of rolling over in the final game, we are probably playing on the road. This team couldn't secure the home playoff game against BC & Hamilton at home and TO on the road. This team was regressing down the stretch and it came to head in the playoff game. This team needs more than a tweak to be considered GC challenger.
  22. You can tell from MOS that it is the type of defense that he wants, lots of turnovers, lots of gambling with potential of giving up big plays. Hall is no longer the whipping boy.
  23. Could either Gray or Spooner play RT? Would be nice to start 4 Nats on the online.
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