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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. I can't speak for booch but turf shoes are the only option.
  2. Calgary's been playing like crap lately so I wouldn't be too surprised to see Lefouver one up Buckley.
  3. And both your wins were tainted, only Rider fans would be proud of that.
  4. Will Calgary be playing their starters? If so, it won't matter if Lefevour starts over Davis.
  5. Growth in CO2 emissions had been flat for the past 4 years, unfortunately we forgot to tell that to the El Nino. Let's not crap all over the progress that has been made recently because some alarmists want to get everyone all worked up again. https://www.skepticalscience.com/new-data-hope-meeting-paris-targets.html
  6. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=megahertz+band&qpvt=megahertz+band&view=detail&mid=4DFA722813A2C97070304DFA722813A2C9707030&FORM=VRDGAR
  7. I wouldn't give up on Davis just yet, when his first read was there, he delivered the ball nicely. Most times however, his first read wasn't there.
  8. The defense has been bad since game 1, the signs have been there all year and nothing has been done. This regime deserves any heat they get for not being proactive.
  9. Injuries happen and you can use the injury excuse on the offensive side of the ball but the defence has just been flat out bad from day 1 save for a handful of good showings.
  10. I think they will catch a fair amount of heat this off season if they make a hasty exit from the playoffs.
  11. Lots of injuries but when you don't adjust for them it's not the players fault.
  12. HC coach needs to go as much as the next guy. He is relying on his coordinators because he doesn't know any better.
  13. Didn't they replace all the writers after the first year of TNG? Thought I heard that somewhere before. Maybe the Discovery will pick up but I don't think it will hold my interest that long.
  14. Global warming is real, the temperature has risen 0.4C in the last 100 years, pretty hard to argue that.
  15. Isaacs is the only one with any acting chops, the rest are hard to find believable.
  16. Watts is a fool. Tyson is not, http://hinessight.blogs.com/church_of_the_churchless/2014/06/five-simple-rules-of-science-from-neil-degrasse-tyson.html
  17. Never stop dissing Jones. He may be a good coach but he's also an azz.
  18. The healthiest guys should play and hope for the best.
  19. Why was it so warm in 1875 and 1958? I will give you a hint ITCZ.
  20. As a life long Trek fan, if not for Jason Isaacs I wouldn't watch this.
  21. Looks like the media is starting to turn on Hall.
  22. It's clearly the players, I mean you wouldn't start Lankford, Hurl and Roc if you had better options, would you?
  23. They flat out got beat, couldn't match Hamiltons physicality or execution.
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