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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. We can keep saying it till we are blue in the face, they won't be replacing Hurl, Knox or the weak links in the secondary until we are out of the playoffs or the offseason, that is the way they have rolled from day 1.
  2. That's not what I said, I said you have lost an international starting spot that a DI could have been used to replace. A DI could not be used to replace that backup import because you declared the position as a starting national.
  3. Bombers went 2 and out too many times for the hurry up to even have been a factor in the game, people need to get over that and ask why there were so many 2 and outs and not why the riders took 3 knees.
  4. But you can't use a DI to replace a national starter so you have effectively lost one starting international spot that a DI could have been used to substitute.
  5. With Wild out and the release of Bruce Johnson, there are just too many new faces in there who don't know how to play together or what they are doing.
  6. This was so predictable, everyone knew the Bombers couldn't get down early in this game, yet they made it easy for the Riders to jump out to that big lead. All the Bombers had to do to get win was avoid shooting themselves in the foot, but they couldn't. Unless things change, this team won't go very far if they make the playoffs.
  7. On the bright side, it could have been a lot worse. The Bombers never gave up at least. Having said that though, it's too bad that the Bomber coaching staff can't get 100% out of these guys for 60 minutes, if they could, we'd be 10 - 0, but that's just what I'd expect from professionals.
  8. I'm not yet sold that your boys have turned the corner. I would feel better if Dressler was playing but even so, I like how our receivers match up against your secondary and our backs against your linebackers.
  9. The Baylor spectacle went right to the top, not just those involved in the football program. They wanted a winner at any cost.
  10. I haven't been that entertained by a Bomber team in years, that was just a real good game, Edmonton just wouldn't go away and kept it interesting till the end. I hope we get a few more like this down the stretch. Edmonton's o-line is vastly under-rated, we couldn't get a sniff of Reilly all night, it's no wonder it doesn't matter who they have at receiver, Reilly has all day to stand back there and wait for them to get open, not to mention the runs lanes they open for their backs. Bombers O is starting to dominate teams but would still like to see Nicholls be a little more aggressive in the red zone. Defence is what it is, more heart than talent.
  11. I don't believe a word of it, the front four are doing all the work, if they continue to get pressure the rest of the defence just looks better.
  12. The sample size on Nichols as a starter is just too small to make this call yet. Mitchell and Reilly have been performing at a high level for awhile now. This is really only Nichols first full year as starter on a good team.
  13. We have a real nice mix of receivers right now, this offense is very close to being able to dominate anyone. Nicholls just needs to have a little more faith in those two guys when he gets them matched up one on one.
  14. Corky's boys are miles ahead of last years dumpster fire, too bad they play in the west, not.
  15. No, still way to conservative in the red zone.
  16. Nichols just pussied out throwing the 3 yard passes when 8 was needed on second down, he even admitted as much in the post game interview. When you have Adams and Lankford on the field, you have to throw up jump balls and trust they will make the play.
  17. Makes the most sense because surely they wouldn't base it on one solid game against the worst offense (team) in the league you'd hope.
  18. Wasn't Walters head of Canadian scouting at that time? He must have had some input on player selection.
  19. Finally someone with some common sense on this site, all hope is not yet lost.
  20. So 5 weeks of riding the pine for Loffler makes all the difference? If you say so. So you leave out Foggs other accomplishments, you can do better than that can't you, and where did you find anything about Fogg struggling to start the year? The secondary came together when Loffler took over at safety not because Fogg suddenly figured out how to play.
  21. I'll take your word on that one but I was sure they were decimated with injuries that year and had to start 2 rookies most of the year including the GC game.
  22. Thought Loffler started game 2 and Fogg was an impact player, 79 tackles 10th in the league, 1st in punt return average, 5th in the league in picks, he more than made up for any struggles he had contributing on teams, he is exactly the kind of backup you want seasoning.
  23. Calgary started 2 rookies on the o-line in 2014 when they won the cup.
  24. More theatrics from the peanut gallery. There are many examples of Bomber players stepping in last season, raw, and earning starting roles, Loffler and Fogg primes examples last season, they were better than the starters they replaced. Calgary this year has played without their starting d-line without missing a beat, last year it was their o-line. If your backups will never be starters, wth are they even on the roster to begin with?
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