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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Blown calls are part of every sport, there's no 'safe place' in sports. Get over it.
  2. I like it. Scoring plays etc. are still automatically reviewed so this just ends the nonsense challenges.
  3. You're way off topic here now. If you're going to pile on the players for making rookie mistakes, then the coaching staff shouldn't be let off the hook for sending them out their ill equipped for the situation, nor should management get a pass for putting the coaches in that pickle to begin with. There's enough blame to be spread around imo.
  4. The margin between winning and losing is so thin this season (except for Hamilton) that it's almost impossible to determine who is going to win. Games really are coming down to 1 or 2 plays making the difference.
  5. That's all you can ask Hurl to do though since he isn't athletic enough to cover side line to side line or drop into pass coverage. If he did, we'd be in a lot more trouble than we are now.
  6. Quit the theatrics, getting beat on a play is one thing, not knowing what you're doing out there is another entirely. If players don't know what they are supposed to do when the bullets start flying, is that really their fault?
  7. Bass > Hurl, and it's not even close. Saying Hurl is absorbing blocks at the los is just another way of saying that he can't shed blocks at the los to make a tackle, which is what a MLB is supposed to do.
  8. I'd say we have a consensus then, it's players just screwing up, so why keep them? Why just replace them with better players that don't screw up or better yet start with players that don't screw up.
  9. This is going to be a tough game, probably decided in the trenches.
  10. It's pro football though, it's about wins and losses and not how many people like you (MOS). As for the offense how big a lead does this defense need to lock a game down, obviously more than 15 points it seems.
  11. To play a man defense well you need talented cornerbacks and linebackers that are athletically capable of dropping back in coverage. You're leaving cornerbacks alone on an island so they need to have enough speed to make sure that they won't be burned down field, but they also need to be physical enough to play bump-and-run and to tackle receivers after the catch. The Bombers don't have the personnel with all their injuries. If you have a weak/slow secondary, a zone defense helps to cover some weaknesses. It's much easier to prevent a speedy receiver from going down field since there's a second level of coverage over the top, defenses don't have to worry as much about mismatches, a linebacker guarding a running back for example, and there's much less to react to, not as much concern about reacting to potential double moves, for instance. As for usage, it generally depends more on the personnel than on the situation. A coach isn't going to (shouldn't) be throwing a defensive strategy out there that hurts his team more than another, even if it is, situationally appropriate.
  12. Pass defence, like last season, appears to still be a problem for the Bombers so I suspect Ray and company will be licking their chops at that prospect.
  13. I do agree about the coaching being suspect but think you have over-rated our talent level too. The only position we are 'championship' level at is kicking.
  14. Just saying, the pick 6 was a beautiful disguised play by the linebacker, Nichols never saw him. We did nothing to fool the Stamps in the second half, we ran the same plays as the first, you can't do that against a good defence.
  15. You're not going to stop an offense like the Stamps with scubs like Hurl, Briggs, Roc and the likes in the lineup, eventually Mitchell will will just eat those guys alive and he did. As for the offence, when you don't stretch the field you become to easy to defend.
  16. 20 - 0 in the second half says otherwise.
  17. Great second half adjustments by the Stamps, their linebackers really cranked it up while ours became invisible. Still way too many holes to be contenders yet.
  18. If not for some first half rust, chitters, whatever, Nichols would have tossed 6 TD's this game. Not too bad for a career 'game manager'.
  19. I thought Lankford looked explosive at times, he's going to bust one soon enough.
  20. Carmichael had a tough go of it, normally I would cut the guy some slack for his first game but, he was neither physical enough or fast enough, next guy up please.
  21. v Roosevelt & Carter, should make Bomber fans nervous.
  22. Bad move, all Hervey did was win and wanted to be paid for it.
  23. Head of Dem IC has been invited to the wh to view the evidence that barry was spying on US citizens during the election (Watergate) wh encourages Flynn to testify in Russian meddling (McCarthyism) It's the Dems who have turned the clock back 50 years. They have no power in government and are only relevant when they are creating conspiracy theories. Looks good on them. And CNN's parent company, was just bought by ATT who just received that whopper contract for broadband for all first responders across the US. Won't be long before they start towing the company line too.
  24. You hit the nail on the head dod. The establishment or swamp as Trump likes to call them are in full impeachment mode, http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/03/what-is-trump-really-up-to/ and will do anything they can to get Pence in there to tow their global hegemony policies.
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