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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Khari Durant Nichols Still no GC for Lapo and he is the only common denominator.
  2. What other call (the field goal) would you expect from a special teams coach?
  3. Personally, I would stay away from this guy: Negatives Will need to adjust to a more normal drop back progression after playing in an unorthodox system at Mizzou Inconsistent on long passes targeted near the sideline Needs to put more touch on short screen passes Tends to collapse under pressure if he doesn’t have a viable receiver to throw to; not great at deciding when to get rid of the ball Not too much experience working under center Injury-prone (has missed seven games over the past two seasons) and refuses to take pain medication
  4. New respect for Davis Sanchez, he nailed it. http://www.cfl.ca/2016/11/14/wsf-analysis-breaking-down-a-wild-finish-in-bc/
  5. And he's a pending free agent, I think a few clubs will be looking at him now. I'd rather get him signed than getting stuck with leftovers.
  6. Yes and no. Playing 10 yards off the receivers on second and 6 doesn't really give your guy a chance to make a play. And Nicholls was on fire, let him push the ball down field all day as the lion linebackers were cheating up to stop Harris.
  7. They're not going to dump Hall unless MOS bolts for the HC job in TO and a new Bomber HC wants to overhaul things. Which is really too bad because Hall hasn't a learned a lick his entire time in the league and this latest collapse probably won't do anything to change him either.
  8. The Bombers will consider this season a success and rightly so. The real test of success however will come next year and whether or not they can maintain and/or improve upon it.
  9. Have to lay up on that one just a bit although it was Murray Clark throwing the flag so I don't think it would have mattered, he's a notorious Bomber hater.
  10. 58 yards was the longest field goal made this season.
  11. I'm not even sure MOS is back next season maybe he ends up in TO as their next HC? Is Nicholls a fa, if so his stock has gone way up.
  12. Overall, the team made great strides this year, reminds me of the 2006 season and blowing the lead in TO to Mike Bishop. The next year they went to the GC. Maybe they can continue build off this although I suspect the team is going to look different next year due to the cap.
  13. Yup, they defended the pass really well up until the last 8 minutes of the game. DC needs to go.
  14. Wild & Bass were awful today, hopefully a new DC will see that and realize that neither can shed blocks and play the middle.
  15. It wasn't even the second half, just the last of the 4th quarter. Lions receivers were wide open everywhere on those last 2 TD drives. The players are good enough, Ritchie Hall is a complete joke though.
  16. The Dems couldn't attack him on the issues because their policies have failed badly over the past 8 years, especially with the middle class. All they could do was hammer away on his character but in the end it wasn't enough in the swing states where it mattered.
  17. Hard to believe that some people just don't get this?
  18. It's the USA they can pretty much do what they want, which is his strategy, looking after American interests first.
  19. He said what he had to say to get elected, that's politics.
  20. You do realize he's a Democrat? He only ran as a Republican because he knew he could get elected that way.
  21. Rape the environment via the energy sector and dictate terms on imported goods. He controls the house and the senate it won't be hard.
  22. Trump won because people want jobs. Trump actually had a new economic plan. Hillary's was just more taxes, it was a no brainer.
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