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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. You know what I mean. If he was predominately running the Marty-Ball then I'd have a problem with him.
  2. Lapo's offence is fine, it's his play calling that can blow hard though.
  3. Hamilton just has too many injuries to key personnel to win, Eskimos by 7. Bombers also win by 7, they are a good road team and all the pressure is on BC at home, in front of a big crowd.
  4. It took everything Mack could muster to pry the play-calling out of Lapo's hands, even though that ended in disaster.
  5. Mic'ing them up in the heat of a playoff race is whacked. That's something you do in Week 1 or 2, not this time of year, I agree with Dumbo on this one.
  6. Our defence would need to stand on it's head but unfortunately they rely too much on forcing turnovers than actually shutting you down. The offence is pop-gun at best with Nichols and Plap, very reminiscent of the 2011 Buck and Plap show that fizzled in the big game.
  7. Should have given Glenn the 4th quarter of that game. I think there is a good chance we are going to see him in the playoffs.
  8. I feel sorry for Smith and Dressler, it's like Lapo is deliberately trying to get them killed by linebackers, they deserve an award just for getting up half the time.
  9. Completely agree. This was the biggest game for the Bombers in the past 5 years and to not even show up is inexcusable. Wade won't be too happy to lose out on a home playoff game in this fashion, nor should he be. Mike just pissed away $1.5M in potential revenue of Wades because he couldn't get his team ready to play with 2 weeks of preparation. Pretty much the kiss of death for any coach let alone one with such a lopsided won/loss record like Mikes.
  10. And wtf is Moses Madu??? Take a bow Bass for making a hack look like an all-star today, lol.
  11. Just imagine how bad it would have been if they were playing a good team! There is still a pant load of work that needs to be done just to become consistent, never mind consistently good. I'd hold off on those extension negotiations if I was Wade.
  12. Young team with questionable goaltending, usually doesn't end well.
  13. This should have been obvious to anyone who watched his play this year, did the Bombers sell the Argos damaged goods or did they know exactly what they were getting? I can't help but get the feeling that league is going to somehow screw us out of that draft pick.
  14. I can see several vets being let go next year but don't think Wild will be one of them.
  15. Good luck building and flying a rocket without fossil fuels come 2030. Oh wait, the Chinese and other developing countries will still be using them so you can outsource everything to them. Sounds like a winner to me.
  16. 8 - 2 baby since the 1 - 4 start. The losses to Calgary and Edmonton were because they where the better team. Bombers are full marks for the other 8 wins.
  17. I was wearing this delicious Sheer Zebra Print Bodystocking featuring sexy Black contrasting Zebra Stripes and Black Trim along the neckline, Deep-V front & long sleeves, open Crotch under my classic Herb Gray jersey.
  18. Ritchie Hall is really starting to annoy me and Chris Rainey is a freak of nature.
  19. You mean he follows wbbfan? That would explain a lot.
  20. Just seen it was MDA, hippy freak, lol.
  21. Johnson doesn't exactly look like he's on roids?
  22. There is only one solution, you have to wear all your jerseys at the same time.
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