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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. It was announced that he wasn't playing this weekend, so yes, next weekend in BC should be his debut.
  2. I don't care if we win or lose Friday now, just want to see Gurley in the lineup sometime down the stretch, woo hoo!
  3. I would be absolutely giddy if our starting 3 were Dressler, Adams & Gurley, giddy I tell you, giddy.
  4. It's not that the Bombers aren't interested in these guys, the problem is getting them interested in the Bombers.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/sep/30/james-lovelock-interview-by-end-of-century-robots-will-have-taken-over Even their own are stating to see the light
  6. Phil Bates is interesting too. This is a gift straight from Heaven for Walters, I wouldn't want him extended if he manages to somehow F this up.
  7. God he looks awful, like his shoulder is done or something.
  8. Right now it's NFL cuts, Fuller, Sinkfield, Hunt, Jefferson while we sit on our hands. There were 2 ends and 2 receivers who would have instantly filled our needs.
  9. The team is still a couple players away from being a heavy weight contender, which I think is obvious to most, see BLM's they are who we thought they were remark. If Walters and company actually believe that the current bunch is the best they can do, then they shouldn't be retained. Or if they intend on the slow and steady, take it one year at a time philosophy, then they shouldn't be retained either. The time to win is now, add the last couple pieces and make a run, that's the only scenario under which I would retain them.
  10. Hall's 'Gumby' defence is going to bend but it shouldn't be giving up the home run balls. That's on the players for sloppy tacking and bad decision making. The front 7 started to slide when Wild got knicked, he made up for a lot of the deficiencies in the rest of the unit. Bass is really a non factor most nights unless he guesses correctly on which gap to plug and Leggett in pass coverage is being beaten like a dog. Lofler is also taking some lumps in the middle of late as teams take advantage of his inexperience.
  11. What you say is exactly the problem today. The data is linked right in the article to NOAA and the DMI. Unless you take the time to look for this, you won't find it in the main stream media.
  12. Sure in a dome, under perfect conditions. At -5 in the elements and these teams are hooped.
  13. Zero defence from either team, Bombers should wipe the mat with both, calling it now a 4 - 0 finish.
  14. Couldn't stop the run either (although the LB was duplicit).
  15. After taking the night to reflect upon the game.........my initial reaction was confirmed.
  16. I said he was a better option than Kolhert at the start of the season and got roasted. I still don't know what people see in Kolhert, he's good for about 2 catches and a drop per game.
  17. That's the first full 60 mins the D has stunk it out since the streak. I'd say Hall's been figured out pretty thoroughly now and unless he finds a way to adjust the Bombers are going to keep getting killed in man-to-man matchups.
  18. Karmas a *****, that's all, we caught way too many breaks on the win streak to keep it going and tonight it just caught up to them. Having said that though, the d-line is definitely not championship calibre and we still need a JC Sherrit of our own in the middle. I still can't believe that we made two trades and never got immediate help at receiver, which this team desperately needs. Smith is done, cut this guy please.
  19. I wonder how they are going to keep this out of the press or will the narrative now become that CO2 is causing the ice cap to freeze? https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2016/09/25/record-arctic-sea-ice-growth-in-september/
  20. Hmm, an o-lineman with a footwork problem, sounds like a Joe Mack find.
  21. The only reason Randle has looked good is because they haven't been throwing his way, jut picking on other weak links. I have no idea what the scheme has to do with the ends? Are you suggesting they are dropping back instead of rushing and containing? Burnette doesn't cover more ground than Wild.
  22. He sums it up pretty nicely in lay-mans terms, and I'd say that he nailed it.
  23. And we got Marcel and that skinny receiver (name escapes me).
  24. The secondary has looked and performed worse with Adams and Randle back in the lineup, the d-ends have been invisible and we don't have a replacement anywhere near Ian Wild's level of covering the field.
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