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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Pretty much as I drew it up, lol. Heath had a monster game today but I suspect you are right acquiring another DB doesn't make any sense unless there's more to come.
  2. Oh, and if you can't see the similarity between this team and the Lapo HC team of 2011 take a closer look, the turn around is no coincidence, his influence is all over it.
  3. Wow, what a tough crowd, Bruce Johnson dropped a pick 6 Foggs punt return TD 6 Medlock was off 6 That's 18 Bomber points left on the field. Despite the score, this game wasn't as close as it could have been and they still won, because Nichols and the offence played smart and within themselves. Will this team make it to the GC and or win it, likely not but it's a helluva lot better now than when Willy was at the controls.
  4. Why not play the Agros and Als off against each other, isn't that what Wally did with Riley, getting the best possible return. Willy for Glenn, screw the Argos on both ends forcing them to sweeten the pot for Willy.
  5. Hopefully one of their receivers too Hazelton, Gurley or Shaw. Other than Dressler, we are pretty pedestrian at receiver.
  6. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=aussie+man+reviews+praying+mantis&&view=detail&mid=3442CC1D60BA1A87DE613442CC1D60BA1A87DE61&FORM=VRDGAR
  7. Seriously, I think Calvillo is a terrible OC and the Montreal defence has hung on to too many over the hill players.
  8. This year, the oddsmakers have Winnipeg as 4.5-point favourites heading into Regina.
  9. Nice to see Dressler and Frederick back in, whose Tennant?
  10. This is a very good site for anyone who is actually interested in listening to both sides of the argument objectively, all the main scientists can be linked from the site. I am neither an alarmist nor a denier, I just take issue with people who claim that 'the science' only supports one side. If you actually have been following the subject you would know that the alarmists have been steadily losing ground of late. Germany, UK and Australia have all started to swing away from the alarmists cry's of wolf. http://www.climatedebatedaily.com/
  11. http://thefederalist.com/2015/12/08/how-the-left-created-donald-trump/
  12. This o-line is physically dominating their opponents much the same way the line back in 2007 did.
  13. What did you expect from a Gordon Gecko fan? And your second statement is really what this all boils down to. Science may be pure but people aren't, which is really what both sides are guilty of in the whole climate debate. There are good and bad people on both sides, don't for minute think that all climate alarmists wear white hats and are only in it for the sake of humanity and that all skeptics are funded by energy and capital. As for your last statement, keep an open mid, you'd be surprised how healthy a good laugh can be from time to time.
  14. Typical lefty reply, stereotype and dismiss all dissenting opinions but your own. How about commenting on the science behind the theory since your such an expert or didn't they teach you that at community college?
  15. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=037_1383685946 Google AMO (Atlantic Multi-Decal Oscillation) and you will see why this theory is becoming the new battle cry, AGW is dead because the research grants have all dried up.
  16. “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment “The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.” – emeritus professor Daniel Botkin “If we don’t overthrow capitalism, we don’t have a chance of saving the world ecologically. I think it is possible to have an ecologically sound society under socialism. I don’t think it is possible under capitalism” – Judi Bari, principal organiser of Earth First “Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” – Professor Maurice King
  17. Pitched a shut out in the second half, what a performance. Nichols continues to look awkward but somehow manages to put together the big drive when it counts, the guy is just a flat out winner.
  18. Nobody expects Nichols to be an MVP but he was 5 -2 as a starter in Edmonton on a good football team. He cab start for a good team and win, that's proven, can he win the playoffs? maybe, maybe not but you have to get there first before you find out and right now he's the best chance of getting them there.
  19. The long TD drive after the fumble recovery was the game changer. 70 - 80 yard drive? eating up the clock and grinding on the TO defence, that was impressive and very timely, those are the drives you need your qb to put together when it counts.
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