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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Walters needs to go. He's been in charge of the national recruiting for 7 years now and the best he's done is Chung and Goosen, major fail.
  2. If O'Shea can't make common sense decisions, there is no hope for the man.
  3. Isn't Goosen just the backup for Keeping? Who's unfortunately out for the season?
  4. Hal needs better players, Posey & Johnson are not getting it done at HB nor are Bass & Wild at MLB. Make some personnel changes to the interior of that defence before you start pulling the plug on the coordinator. Chamblin is just as crazy as Etch was.
  5. Unfortunately, not being able to get anything in return for Glenn was the real problem, they had to release him.
  6. I'll keep it simple: Our defence is still way too soft in the middle of the field. They need a bone crusher at MLB and neither Posey or Johnson have been anywhere near physical enough at the halfback spots. The rest I can live with. To be honest, we haven't seen enough of the offence to properly evaluate anyone yet.
  7. I'm not surprised, Macho is a veteran guy and will do what he has to. The defence isn't physical enough and he knows it. We need to add a few more assassins to the defence to keep teams honest. We are too easy to move the ball on right now and teams have no fear of us.
  8. I have to admit, Henoc would be a great option at MLB about now, never mind the ratio advantage he would bring.
  9. They left 6 points on the field in the first half against Calgary and left at least that in the second half against Montreal. That's pretty disheartening for a player to see his own HC inadvertently helping the opponent, doesn't exactly instill confidence to follow the guy into battle.
  10. As I see it, we've fired good coaches who didn't deserve it and replaced them with coaches who didn't deserve it. Whether it's nepotism or just bad decision making, I'm not sure but there is a real problem at the top of this outfit.
  11. More idiocy at it's finest. http://www.cfact.org/2016/06/30/enviros-freak-out-over-six-flags-chopping-down-66-acres-of-trees-for-solar/
  12. The whole thing is a hot mess but only because the GM has let it become so.
  13. Anyone with half a brain cell should realize what the end result is going to be when you start burning through washouts like Etch, Bellfoil, Hall and Lapo and do the same with your roster. The outcome was already determined even before the first whistle blew.
  14. Find the answer to why he was hired again and you can start to correct the real problem with this outfit.
  15. Walters is turning out to be Taman 2.0 but without the luxury of a Dave Ritchie or Doug Berry at the controls of the team. He's forced to recycle marginal players via free agency because he does not have the system of connections to find enough down south. I'll throw out a wild suggestions, Milt for our next GM/director of player personnel, I'd have more faith in him at building a team that Walters at this point. If Hervey can do it in Edmonton so can Milt do it here.
  16. Right now, this is a 3 win team. We have changed players at just about every position yet, there has been no improvement. You can say that Walters is making all the right moves but if doesn't translate to improvement and wins, then it is a fail. It all starts and ends with Walters.
  17. Until Willy starts making teams pay for blitzing him nothing will change. It's football 101, he has to recognize where the pressure is coming from and throw to that vacated area. If he can't read a defence, we are sunk.
  18. I was hoping to see some improvement but it's pretty obvious that Willy cannot beat a blitz, I don't think he can even read a defence judging by the failed ride and decide handoffs to Harris straight into a tackler. Our secondary is not great, granted Calgary has some good receivers but we left them wide open on many occasions and we still need a real MLB. I'd give them the first third of the season (6 games) to get their **** together and if not, you have to make changes. 5 wins isn't going to cut it this year.
  19. Ott - Mtl is turning into a real nice rivalry. Hope Campbell gets fined too, he instigated the contact just as much as Carter, in either case, you don't see that every day. Some teams are definitely ahead of others at this time which doesn't amount to anything, its a long season.
  20. What it always comes down to, control the line of scrimmage and get a few lucky bounces.
  21. Thought Sheppard looked better than Mayo in preseason but I like both.
  22. Whats different this young season? Nothing, which is the problem.
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