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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Ted Cruz all the way, the man is brilliant and would get the economy racing again.
  2. Even with good players, Marcel has never risen above average in his career. Only great coaches will get you where you need to go otherwise, they will just hold you back.
  3. Should of added 'don't be afraid to make changes'.
  4. You have to have consent, the players associations gave consent in those leagues iso. Without the players consent there can be no testing. If the majority of the players say no, there is nothing the league can do. The only exception is for dangerous occupations that can cause harm to the public.
  5. He's proven to be a good guy but yet to prove he's a good head coach.
  6. Clarence Denmark ✔ ‎@OnAnotherOne "To become different from what we are we must have some awareness of what we are"
  7. He's prepared to fail or get better trying, I applaud him for having the nuts to take the risk. We won't know if it was a good move or not until the fat lady sings, no point arguing about the decision at this time.
  8. Whether they pay off is irrelevant, Turner and Denmark weren't good enough last year and it's time to move on.
  9. Surprised? Only that Walters had the nuts to let both go at the same time. There may yet be some hope under his watch.
  10. Too many cooks in the kitchen imo, let the players decide what rules need changing to make the game more exciting.
  11. It's all pointless without a functioning o-line.
  12. Exactly, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
  13. Nationals on the lines is the only way to go, at least Walters understands it.
  14. O'Shea will be fired by game 6 if things go south early. He has the staff and the players now to make a run at the playoffs.
  15. Yeah the whole, smaller, faster thing hasn't exactly worked out well for us but don't tell too many people that. I'm sure our new receivers can be tough like dwarfs.
  16. imo, olines around the league are looking worse every year. You either have to have a qb who can move or be able to run the ball to make up for it. I don't think you are ever going to see 5 man protection and pocket passers doing well anymore.
  17. That secondary looks......suspect.
  18. We only have 6 OL on the roster, I expect that to double by the time camp rolls around.
  19. They wouldn't be if they had the choice but they don't.
  20. Wild and Bass are better options for the money.
  21. When you only draft 2 o-linemen in the past 3 years, it's hard to build anything.
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