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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. It's all about the contacts down south, which is why many of us were against the Walters hire, adding the rest of the inexperienced cast was just the icing on the cake.
  2. Bombers need to land him, fans are tired of 'close but no cigar'.
  3. Because we are inept? The 'Big money' should be going to the nationals.
  4. Carter, no brainer, of the listed options. Laurent for sure as the other option.
  5. Berry made 35 roster changes from 2005 to 2006, some good players but mostly bad.
  6. The Argos thought so much of Adams that they let him go in favor of a bunch of unknowns.
  7. Neither do Bomber fans, most just put their faith in the current regime and follow blindly. There's a big difference between what Jones is doing in Regina and what has been happening here for the past 7 years.
  8. Think about it iso, add Harris & Bagg to the starting offense along with 3 on the oline, Westerman on D leaves only one other national starter on D, and if we can pickup a starting national dlinemen in free agency.....this team goes from pretender to contender in the blink of an eye.
  9. Only 28, his best years are still ahead of him. I like Kenny Stafford too, deep threat burner we haven't had since.... Nationals, Bagg, Getzlaff, Giguere, all are better than what we got rostered now.
  10. We need to seriously retool 25% of the roster, I don't know how but Walters needs to find a way.
  11. Wouldn't break the bank for them but they can still both be productive.
  12. Personally, I would like to see a complete overhaul of the receivers on the team.
  13. I don't believe time is on Walters side, nor do I believe Waggoner was seen as some sort of project. Like the others, he was expected to contribute now for a Grey Cup run.
  14. They'll continue to play Hurl and Bucknor for better or worse, what choice do they have?
  15. http://globalnews.ca/news/2008060/winnipeg-blue-bombers-hitch-their-wagon-to-garrett-waggoner/ Completely over-estimated was more like it. Considering this is Walters & Goveias specialty, I don't know how anyone can be optimistic about these twos ability to evaluate national talent.
  16. Was referring to Taman needing a MLB and paying more than he should have for an over the hill one.
  17. They traded from a position of weakness, Taman was an idiot.
  18. When you're missing the playoffs and only winning 5 games a year, you better be stock piling national talent otherwise, it's all been for nothing. We've seen this scenario all too often in recent times and it is totally unacceptable. I'm not real thrilled at the progress Walters has made thus far so he better have a great off season or it's time for the apple and road map.
  19. At some point you have to consider trading his rights, like they did with Mace.
  20. I suspect he's one good hit away from being done.
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