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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. You also need to consider who would make the best HC. There is a chance that Osh doesn't see LDC if things go south next year. I don't want Hall, he's far too soft, Cortez was the same, that leaves Chappy or Plap.
  2. Plenty of fish in the ocean still, they'll just have to throw out a few more lines and not settle for a mullet.
  3. Coaches won't matter if you don't have the players to compete. Better players make even bad coaches passable.
  4. Year 3, if Walters can't significantly improve the roster, he needs the apple and the road map.
  5. http://en.montrealalouettes.com/page/together-at-school Could have played a part in it.
  6. What a **** show, so obviously the team can say no, especially if you are an ass like Wally, lol. Well done riders, big leg up on our sad sack bunch.
  7. Strange the way he just fell off the radar until now.
  8. Hey, they're in the business of selling hope which is why I'm waiting for the off season to see what moves they make as far as coaches and players go.
  9. In all seriousness though, all sports teams should just respect the wishes of indigenous peoples.
  10. Atlanta Braves I always wondered about that one. It is the "land of the free and the home of the brave" afterall.
  11. Both Jones & Milanovich are ready to be GM/HC's, sure hope we can get one someday.
  12. Very glad to see the Esks win and all the Bomber fans leave before the presentation, lol.
  13. Eskimo refers to Russian Siberians, it has nothing to do with Canadian Inuits. Except for those who want to stir up ****.
  14. Doesn't dimish what Westerman accomplished, he is a stud.
  15. Don't really care for the whole "kool-aide gang" comment. I'm guessing you are refering to Oshea and the coaches here? I don't know man but... I think if we have truly learned one thing about Mike O'shea, it's that he will not throw players under the bus in public, he's said it multiple times even, I'm not sure why some people have issues with that... Don't kid yourself, MOS recognizes the problems too, he's just not gonna come out and throw anyone under the bus, Neither did walters really, He just said that certain areas, all areas need to improve and you know what, He's right.. Every GM would say that too, Even Calgary and Hamilton and the best teams in the league are always looking to improve, Just cuz MOS doesn't come out and name names and throw people under the bus, doesn't mean he doesn't recognize the problems... MOS seems to be learning from his past mistakes, he fire bellefeuille pretty quickly after the season ended, he obvious recognized the O was a problem. Walters didn't exactly name names either... he mentioned positions and how they'd like to improve on some... He didn't say "this guy" sucked, he said we need to get better at these positions... specifically DL and Receiver.. He didn't name names. The only guy he half threw under the bus was Brohm when he said, he pissed his chance away. This is what I'm referring to as the kool-aide gang It's not Winnipeg that keeps them away, it's getting a call from O'Shea or some other unknown instead of a Huffnagel or Buono. It's not the city, it's the guy on the other end of the phone. If Huff was in Winnipeg and made the call to that successful OC he'd be on the next plane here, right after he changed his shorts.
  16. Good summary, torched the receivers and the D for not forcing enough 2 and outs. Nice to see he recognized the problems that the kool-aide gang didn't. Have to agree that for his flaws, he knows enough about the game and where the improvement is needed.
  17. Oh please. Did you even note how many times our receivers dropped the ball this year? Or what about coming back the QB? The fact they stuck with Darvin "stone hands" Adams all year should tell you about our lack of talent. Where was that game in and game out threat? You can keep scapegoating MB all you want but that doesn't change the fact that this team was want for talent on both sides of the ball. They scored the fewest points in nine years and gave up more than last year. It's good that MB is gone but it doesn't change the fact that we lack talent in more areas than just OC. Firing MB isn't the magic bullet for this team. Might not be the magic bullet but I think you are really selling it short as to how much MB handcuffed the offense. He wasnt using the players in their best positions to be successful. He wasnt calling plays catered to the players.. He really seemed to try and make his players work in his system and refused or didnt know how to build it to reflect their skillsets. We never had an elusive shifty scat guy but continually tried to evolve someone into that role instead of just using a RB as an outlet/quick screen type setup. He also consistently called plays that ran straight into the strength of the defense... Not to mention the defense read MB like an open book. Our defense would have done alot better had it not been facing a 3 to 1 time of possession battle every game too. More then enough talent on that side of the ball,. Did you even watch the games? You're spewing knee jerk garbage. The offence couldn't execute period. The plays were there to be made but the players couldn't execute, it's not Marcels fault that someone misses a block, and who on offence was even capable of running past a defender or out fighting them for a contested ball? Pure propaganda that you have been fed by Joseph Gerbils, and you swallowed full throat. The defence, is the offence to blame for not forcing a single two and out in a half of ball? How do you rationalize that they were tired in the first half. Both the O & D coordinators were unprepared to start games, they were out coached plain and simple. Hall is going to be exposed next year too, and I will be there to remind you what a gullible, condescending, internet bully that you are. Have a great weekend.
  18. All you have to do is listen to Lapo address the team in the dressing room and see how fired up they get ... not! Terrible motivator. Far too robotic in his approach, and for once I agree with JBR, the guy was incapable of playing a hunch, which is what separates the good coaches from the great ones.
  19. lol, half the clowns on this board don't even know the difference between the 2007 and 2011 teams, I'm not surprised. You want to build a winner, you build it on a proven formula, not the crap of the last 6 years. You build it from the lines out, doesn't matter if the guys 40 (Greene) as long he can get the job done, and Bob Wylie isn't the problem, he didn't forget how to coach, Marcels system hasn't and never has worked, the guy was just plain horrible. You can pay all the nationals you want to start at LB or DB but until you have a functioning O & D line it won't mean squat. Football is about controlling the line of scrimmage, the ignorant may not know that but, given time they will come to understand.
  20. Taman, the Ottawa dispersal really helped him, in 2007 they started 4 nationals on the line, gave up the fewest sacks in the league and were coached by Bob Willy. We could start Roberts and 4 international receivers, that's still how you build a championship team. We had Brown on the dline and a national at safety. That team was probably better than the 2001 version that went 14 - 4.
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