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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. All 9 of those guys would make us a considerably better team. If we don't go hard in free agency this year, I will be extremely disappointed. They've gone hard in free agency both years under Walters and signed some of the bigger names available. It doesn't mean a damned thing if you can't draft well and can't supplement your free agent additions through your scouting. Rolling out the red carpet for Sam Hurl isn't what I had in mind. Our drafting hasn't terrible either, although it's too soon to tell, 1st & 2nd year guys starting isn't the norm. Scouting is exactly the problem, if you can't find them down south then you sure as **** better find them in the free agent market. Ottawa overhauled their offence in one off season that way.
  2. All 9 of those guys would make us a considerably better team. If we don't go hard in free agency this year, I will be extremely disappointed.
  3. Ottawa was 2 - 16, they had a boat load of cap space, and used it wisely.
  4. That is EXACTLY why he did it but J5V seems to think this iced castillo.. Even tho he hit both kicks lol That was on the players, you take as much time off the clock as you can, call the time out, then kick the field goal, the ball should never have been snapped. Good coaching move.
  5. Best receivers in the league, great O & D lines, they can run the ball, sack the QB, the Lemon addition has been huge, kicking is solid, they are a balanced team, give credit where it is due.
  6. Mack deserved all the heat he took for bringing in guys like Goltz and Hall. His real downfall though was listening to Tim Burke.
  7. I hope his comments don't get him a ticket out of town.
  8. 75% of Ottawa's roster is castoffs, the trick is signing the right ones. That suggests to me that coaching and roster management may be even more important than many around here would care to admit. There defence is pretty good. Desjardins built that team from the lines out, when you win the battle in the trenches, you usually win the game. We haven't had that dominance since 2007 although we sniffed it in 2011 but them it got blowed up.
  9. And the 2015 Bombers went through the motions even though they had as much reason to play hard as the Riders and Als. Just sad and a condemnation of the current regime. Some players did look meh for the Bombers, but you have to remember, Saskatchewan has had their evaluation period on for weeks now. Not an apt comparison. We saw far too many 30 minute efforts for this team all season, for whatever reason. This was nothing new and just reaffirmed the problem and that they need some sort of changes.
  10. Khari Jarius Chapy Buck Howell Dinwiddie Elizondo Moore just to name a few.
  11. Messam is probably the worst 1000 yard back in the league, glad we had no interest in the guy and started studs like Buckno and Hurl instead.
  12. Well, he did get 3 years in Hamilton but not as an OC mind you. I said it before, the only way Marcel is back is as the HC. Either him or MOS has to go now though.
  13. Bring him back.......were you dropped on your head as a child? The entire offensive side of the ball from coaches to players needs a King Kong sized enema.
  14. That's why you try to avoid drafting nationals at skill positions if you can.
  15. The receivers weren't good enough, too many drops on catchable balls Darvin Adams, very little yac yards after the catch and little to no down field blocking. They are weak, undersized and just not fast enough or reliable enough. Marshall is a good to great back, this guy was sadly underused during the season, he's a truck and has great hands. The oline was decent, although the Argos don't generate much of a pass rush so I wouldn't get overly excited about it. The dline, other than Westerman is just sad, zero push up the middle from the tackles and whoever, Cole, was playing the end was invisible. The Hurl experiment at LB can end, he can't shed tackles and is nowhere near fast enough or strong enough to play the position. Wild & Bass is a real tough decision at WIL, Bass is not an option for MLB Leggett may be too slow for the SAM position but I sure like his physical play Secondary needs an overhaul, get Randal back on the corner and get a national at safety, nobody should be secure of their jobs back there.
  16. Winnipeg is still the country club of the league for the players. Some players on our roster, wouldn't find work on another team. Until you get someone in charge who won't accept that, nothing will change. The last guy we had, who knew how to build a team, was Doug Berry, unfortunately he rocked the boat too much and was hated for it by some players and was run out of town. This organization values 'marginal players' more than winning.
  17. I don't know about that. A new GM might like the guy. He might not but it's not like O'Shea was a totally out of left field hire for head coach. 4 years of special teams coaching and you become a HC....that is Twilight Zone material.
  18. 75% of Ottawa's roster is castoffs, the trick is signing the right ones.
  19. Sure, let's not mention the fact that he hasn't signed an extension with the team, you really think he wants to be here? As for D Davis, he looks like Marcus Crandell 2.0, not really a bad thing.
  20. Yeah I'm tired of losing, that's why we need the young fans to prop us up with their positive energy, I'm all out.
  21. MOS was a great national player himself and it's starting to become clear that he has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to playing nationals and proving they can do they job.
  22. O'Shea singled Paddy out as one of our MOP's on offense this year.......be afraid, be very afraid of what's to come.
  23. If you have everyone just positive or just negative you have a completely useless forum. You absolutely need both positive and negative outlooks. When I read the pure positive it makes me almost as frustrated as I am with coaches and management. There is nothing wrong with being positive but reading some of the positives on this forum you would think that this team is super close to being a GC team. Its confounding. I am tired of crappy and mediocre I want consistently good, meaning a winning record. I honestly believe that, with the right people in place, that can come in far less time than many of our management in the last 8 years have been telling us. Why should we wait when most other teams haven't. Yes Edmonton, Sask, and Hamilton had long runs of crappiness but when they got it all figured out it came quick and lasted more than a year. Why should Winnipeg be so different? I like positive folks but at times I think their even more deflating than negative ones. It would sure be nice if we could all go into the off season with the confidence that our Bombers will be back to actually challenge for top spots rather hoping we don't suck again. it's not about positive vs. negative, it's about the people who ***** for the sake of bitching being as bad as the blind homers. Some people will spin everything no matter how insignificant into the biggest negative going and that's just stupid. No, that's just politics.
  24. Why would the redblacks want any of our FAs? They bought all the good ones up in the last two seasons.. They wanted to pass, rather than pick from us in the expansion draft, or don't you recall that running joke?
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