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Everything posted by pigseye

  1. Moore just isn't built for the inside slot position, he's all spaghetti arms and legs, will never stay healthy in there.
  2. Wade has always and will always be in love with Khari, it isn't even a question of an 'exhaustive search' if he wants the job.
  3. lol, when was that the 1950 - 60's?
  4. I wonder how many the Red Blacks would sign? lol. Randle would be the only one I'd be sorry to see go.
  5. A little too winy for my taste, would have preferred TFK.
  6. Good news michael klassen ✔ @mikeklassen90 Thanks everyone for thoughts and prayers! I will be fine, nothing broken just a real bad stinger is all! Thanks so much for all the love
  7. Herb Zurkowsky @HerbZurkowsky1 From http://montrealgazette.com/TheSnap: Als cautiously optimistic about Klassen
  8. True, as far as that goes, but if you look at the past two seasons, the offense, defence, special teams and O-line have had problems and some of them continue to this day. It wasn't just one thing, and that points to more issues than one or two individuals. And then there's the talent level.... Talent needs an overhaul for sure but only playing 30 minutes of football most games gets hung on the coaches, the DC was just as guilty as the OC most nights too.
  9. The Grey Cup is going to Alberta this year, just not sure which city.
  10. Brohm's a good guy, been around both leagues and made some contacts. I wouldn't mind if they could find a scouting position for with the team.
  11. I hope so, he's the CEO of a 'small' company, he should be making the decisions without any BOD interference, but that's probably impossible with 14 of them and where special interests are involved.
  12. Tillman by far would be the best choice, he's been actively recruiting for the Ti-Cats and still doing a great job but his reputation is probably too much for the fans to stomach right now.
  13. What?! There are 14 people on the BoD including 1 Provincial rep and one City rep. Why in the world would we need a BOD comprised of 14 members to run a football operation? Seems excessive to me. Ridiculous is what it is but the BOD is operating like all the other city/provincial bureaucracies, bloated and inefficient. Their only concern is getting their $5.6M a year off the top for the loan and park and ride transit. Can you say 'conflict of interest'.
  14. You can bet your long johns it will be as long as the team has to repay the stadium cost, well beyond our lifespans.
  15. The only thing that will turn the organization around is spending money on football ops and coaches. Until that changes we will always be trailing behind everyone else in the league. Say what you like about Miller but he is exactly the kind of bully they need in that role to stand up to the penny pinching civil servants on the board, hopefully, he can get them removed so we don't continue to be handcuffed by those clownshoes.
  16. Jones has been asked before, he has no interest in leaving Alabama.
  17. Pinball pulled it off but O'Shea isn't Pinball, can't see it working out for him.
  18. 1 - 5 record in home and home games, that's terrible even for crappy teams.
  19. Did they mention how he was held on the play forcing him to lunge at the qb?
  20. Nice, thanks D, seems the thick skulls get it.
  21. Seriously though, $250M seems a lot more realistic to build that facility, I think the dippers had the wool pulled over their eyes is all.
  22. Please, no more national linebackers, safety and d-line is a better option and the sooner that gets through the thick skulls, the sooner we can get this mess turned around.
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