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Everything posted by Arnold_Palmer

  1. LOL the entire league won't fold..
  2. Sask will take him. Taman only recruits former Bombers.
  3. Swaggerville patrients are running thin! Jovo you feeling nervous son?
  4. BC's junior league is stacked. Where do you think the Bisons do the majority of their recruiting?
  5. Buck holds on to the ball too long and doesn't do himself any favours. It's no suprise he takes more hits then anyone. For a guy thats been around his pocket awareness is that of a rookie. Everyone knows you blitz the Buck and he gets extremely un accurate extremely quickly. At this point it doesn't really matter if he's healthy or not. If you're going 0-5 against a third string defense there is HUGE problems. I'm sure we'll see a lot of Hall and Goltz this year as I don't see Buck staying healthy all season!
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