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Everything posted by captaincanuck12

  1. So on the post game show, TIm Burke said there's a new QB coming to town with CFL experience. When Bob Irving pressed Tim Burke for the answer, Burke told Bob I'll tell you tomorrow... i.e. Today. Does anyone have any credible information on who this mysterious QB is? Or do we all have to wait till tomorrow. My apologies if this discussion has been started elsewhere.
  2. This love affair with LaPo is getting tiresome. There was a reason he was run out of town when he was the Bombers OC back in 2003. And we brought him back in in 2010 for some strange reason only to can him 2 years later. Lapo's record while he was HC was 16-28. Not exactly great numbers. LaPo isn't coming back. IMO he was a terrible HC. I think Burke is in way over his head. Put him back to Defensive HC, and find an HC who knows the CFL to run the Bombers. The coaching carousel has to stop if we are to have any consistency going forward. I would agree, that would be his biggest fault. But Lapo was not a bad coach. He was a rookie sure and a little high strung, but he certainly wasn't a dud. I think had Mack found him better players (esp at QB), made some decent trades, and didn't meddle with the roster, Lapo's teams would've performed a lot better. Lapo was a micromanager who coached the team too passively. Not a fan of that combination.
  3. Exactly. While we don't have a bonafide QB... our O line should be targetted for improvement. If the O line can give guys like Goltz more time, he's only going to excel. Goltz has the tools so lets develop him. I know this won't appease the those of us who want a Grey Cup right away but the revolving door at QB has to stop.
  4. I wasn't actually trying to imply Lapo offence was any better. Just that may be the reason Lapo was constantly tinkering with the O. As much as i like to see Croston canned, constantly firing coaches isn't the answer. All I know is that guys like Chad Simpson will not want to play here much longer.
  5. Crowton is a terrible coordinator. Maybe Lapo was trying fix the garbage that Crowton was spewing. I'm so sick of these anemic offense schemes and lack of imagination.
  6. LOL. I needed that laugh after a very frustrating 3 hours of football. Thanks adrenaline_x!
  7. Perhaps he earned his shot... although the Argo D was playing pretty vanilla out there since the game was already won so Goltz stats may have been padded. I'm fed up with the offensive play calling by Crowton and with Pierce... can't get much worse. Goltz has the tools.. does Winnipeg have the patience to develop him?
  8. If we can get the ground game established... i think we steal 2 pts in Montreal. AC is not the big threat we are used to seeing... plus if the Bombers can sack him early ... we'll be in a very good position!
  9. My thoughts on tonite: I'm miffed about that blown PI call on Edwards. I hate the inconsistency of the CFL officiating. I'm also sick of the people saying good teams overcome bad officiating..tell that to Team Canada when they lost against the USA in the olympic semi. Simpson's 9 touches for 36 yards isn't going to get him a rushing title. The offense was brutal save for 3 drives. Buck made some bad decisions and we desperately needed the offence to do something in the fourth quarter. Montreal didn't look like the unstoppable juggernaut they have been in the past. Calvillo was rattled after that first sack and he had two hail mary's that ended up winning the game for them. That aside, the atmosphere was electric and the stadium is top notch. Looking forward to 8 more home games in the best stadium in Canada!
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