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Everything posted by BattleLevel

  1. It’s bad enough watching the Bombers play like dogshit, I don’t need the announce crew fellating them the whole time.
  2. Nice long drive here boys. Eat that clock
  3. Yep. They need to tighten this up pdq.
  4. I want a 2019 Hansen-esque hit on special teams tonight.
  5. That’s why they wore the dark pants
  6. Biggie felt that too. I’m pretty sure it was the very next play where he blitzed and it looked like he was out for blood.
  7. If the Bombers consistently get pressure with their front four, this game will be sewn up quickly. I don't see VAj being able to pick apart the Bombers on the run.
  8. Grant’s going to break so many ankles during the GC that the Argos are going to have guys leaving in a walking boot.
  9. There isn’t anyone on the panel or broadcast that I can’t stand (unless Suitor is being a huge homer) but I’d like to see a lineman given a chance on the broadcast. I’d appreciate the added perspective. Dustin Nielson has been a nice recentish addition and Rod Smith is my favourite. I wish there were two of him so he could be on the broadcast and host the panel.
  10. I remember the term “points for the good guys” when Hamilton was in the red zone, but I’m pretty sure it was the guy from the Arkells that said it
  11. I can at least understand that there might be a tiny bit of strategy behind that decision. I can’t believe that unnecessary roughness penalty. Absolutely moronic play
  12. That was a low point. Who was that Lion, Carl Kidd?
  13. I’ve got a good amount of confidence in the Bombers this week, but there’s always a little doubt/what if thought in the back of my mind that others have mentioned. That said, the one thing I have confidence in is that Ed Gainey is going to take a moronic penalty or get badly beaten on a terrible read.
  14. Seems like he’s confusing “the team most likely to win” with “team I like best” when defining favourite.
  15. I’m in a similar situation. I’ve sat through so many **** weather games at McMahon that I basically expect it when the Bombers come to town. At any rate, it’ll be nice to see the team live and relive some memories from the Grey Cup. Maybe see some of you guys there. Go Blue!
  16. I’m so ready to see Willie, Jackson and the rest of the boys tear through the Riders line like Kleenex!
  17. I hope the kickers used this week to give MOS a reason to trust them. I can understand some of the reasoning behind not trying FGs in week one, but they need to fix this going forward.
  18. Agreed. The Cup win took a lot of the pressure off for me. During previous seasons I'd get so wrapped up in the negatives and fall into a "here we go again" mentality due so so many season of getting kicked around and being the butt of the joke from other CFL fans. Having two of the best experiences I've ever had at McMahon (previous to last season watching a drunk Stamps get his head caught under the bleachers was the top) has caused me to go into this season looking for the enjoyable moments from the Bombers. It's amazing what the Bombers breaking their drought has done for me. I can't wait to see the boys out on the field again.
  19. When I saw the title of the thread this was the image that immediately popped into my head. Philion is a huge jerk.
  20. Favourite- Greg Battle, Terrance Edwards, Bob Cameron, Eric Blount, Milt Least Favourite - I don't have a really specific reason, but Brock Ralph always bugged me.
  21. In a game full of huge moments, this one was top 3 for me. I could hear the pop way up in row 60
  22. Just got some tickets! Seats are terrible but I'm happy to be in the building. First Grey Cup for me. I'm ----ing pumped! if if you're still looking, check fb market place. Lots of deals are starting to pop up. Cant wait for Sunday!
  23. I'm monitoring SeatGeek, StubHub, and GameTime. The first two are selling high corners for around $200 and GT has nothing. I guess I'll have to check out Facebook marketplace...man, I hate going on there.
  24. x2 for Mio. Haven't had it in a while though since we moved further south. Jon's Pizza in Douglasdale isn't too bad if you're looking for something closer
  25. I have a copy of Bombers Blitz too. That tape is barely holding together after years of rewatching. My favourite win was the 1998 (not yet named) Banjo Bowl. There was such a feeling of emotion/relief being let loose by everyone in the stadium after finally getting a win. Fans rushed the field after the game and everyone was just so...happy. Troy Kopp was a god for a short time afterwards. The lost GCs during the 2000s hurt, but the loss that sticks out the most for me wast the 2012 Labour Day game. I was watching with three Riders fans and the trash talk went from fun back and forth, to crowing, to sympathetic, to silence. That sucked. I really hated the Bombers that day.
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