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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. I don't understand all the Watson hate and time to get rid of him talk. It just doesn't make sense to me.
  2. I like the looks of this draft. I had the unfortunate occasion to debate the Neufeld trade with Migs on BB.com. He felt the Riders absolutely fleeced the Bombers because of the 2nd round pick that came along with Hall. When I argued that a 2nd round in 2014 was roughly equivalent to a 4th round in 2015 he couldn't grasp the concept at all. A 2nd round pick is a 2nd round pick and a 4th round is a 4th round is all he kept saying. Tried to explain that a 4th rounder this year will likely yield as good or better of a NI prospect but he just danced around with his fingers in his ears saying I was crazy....sigh. Some Rider fans just believe what they want to believe. The kool aid is strong over there.
  3. What I find extremely rich is that the VAST majority of RiderFans were calling Sunseri hot garbage a very short month ago. Until he came into the game in relief of Durant against BC, most of them were saying how badly he had regressed this year and how the Riders would be in big trouble if Durant goes down. Durant is now down and suddenly Sunseri is more than capable. Too funny. Sunseri, is going to be blitzed unmercifully and the opposition is going to put 8 men in the box and completely neutralize the Riders running game. This isn't speculation, that football 101. Could this be countered...sure it could...but ONLY IF Sunseri plays mistake free football and the Riders get an infusion of YAC from the receivers. Save Dressler, I don't see that happening with any consistency. Riders will be lucky to win 3 games the rest of the year.
  4. We need an airlift. At the moment we are a mediocre club. Keep turning over stones Walters.
  5. It worked. I am in 14th spot. Not bad considering I changed my roster one week but didn't save it and ended up losing 3 out of my 5 picks because Edmonton was on a bye week.
  6. It goes a long way with all the players not just on our team but around the league. Players talk to each other about how they are treated by the organization and it has impact at FA time. The little things the Bombers do now to create player comfort and support will pay big dividends down the road. I once had an excellent employee who toiled at an entry level position for 6 years for me. I never had room to promote this person and felt that I would lose him one day. Every day though there he was and I would stop and say Hi on my way to the office. One day I had a manager retire and it enabled me to move a couple employees up the food chain with well deserved promotions. He was one of them. I called him into the office and gave him the good news and he was ecstatic. I asked him why he never left to get a better job before. He told me he never even thought about it because everyday I would come in and say Hello and shoot the breeze with him. He said that made him feel comfortable staying right where he was because not many people he ever worked for ever took the time to acknowledge him. Sometimes it's the little things indeed. A couple years later I was doing an employee survey about why they decided to join my organization. Several of the employees responded that when they came to drop off resumes that this staff member had spoken so enthusiastically about working for me that it kind of clinched their interest in working there.
  7. Crap, I've been playing this all year and would have loved to have joined this group. My own fault for ignoring stickies.
  8. Taj will go to the bar all by himself. He doesn't need coaxing. Just leave directions to Teaser's outside his hotel room.
  9. Surely you jest.
  10. I wonder if Max Hall is Boomer or Buzz?.... Too soon?
  11. All joking aside, Saskatchewan seems to have more than it's share of ugly women.
  12. So what do you call the Rider fans you work with in Calgary? Here's my guess... "Boss?" mostly I call them *******. What a horrible thing to call your janitor. These guys came all the way from Saskatchewan and the Phillipines to clean your work station and are earning minimum wage. You should be a little more tolerant.....lol
  13. The asking price for SJ is very, very high. The Als are not giving him away.
  14. No kidding. Moore has been really good for us so far this year. He had a fumble last game and that's all people want to remember. If the season were based on the performance of the last game it should be Kelly we are questioning not Moore. Moore had 60 yards on 4 catches. Not POW numbers but a good contribution all the same.
  15. They just need to make the schedule a little more carefully. The West has been beating the crap out of the East for years now. The league was always able to schedule East vs. East enough times during the first part of the season that no one really paid attention to how big the variance in divisions were. This year the schedule did not hide the CFL's dirty little secret.
  16. The league should never have a schedule like this again. They need to have the intra-divisional games evened out between the early and late season. I get what they were trying to do, build excitement and make games more meaningful after labor day when attendance traditionally fall off, but it has to be considered an embarrassment to the league to have such a stark difference between the divisions at the halfway point of the season.
  17. Not scared of Durant. He has been crap this year. The Riders offence is the running game. Whether it's Durant or Sunseri it really doesn't matter. With either QB the big challenge will be stopping their run game.
  18. I would think quite a few. BC president failed to tell everyone to read the fine print. The seats will likely be freebies in the rafters that are never full anyway.
  19. Mulumba is pretty much a shoe-in for the PR. Bilikudi not so much.
  20. I notice said Rider Prider tucked tail and ran away right after. Typical.
  21. I have no trouble saying that I wish Dressler gets nicked up tomorrow night. Not a serious injury...maybe a bad hammy pull. Just enough so he misses the rest of the CFL season. If that makes me classless...so be it.
  22. Only an idiot Bomber fan would say something so juvenille. Rod Pedersen is the voice of the Riders and a well respected person in the community None of which makes him any less of an idiot. Exactlly. Don't want to be considered an idiot then quit floating idiotic rumors every couple of months.
  23. Guys...this deal is not happening. Rod Pederson does this a couple times a year. He floats a wild rumor and it never comes to pass. In recent years, he posted rumors of imminent trades by the Riders for MILT STEGALL, RICKY RAY, among many others. There is not a single trade rumor he posts that is semi-believable. He is the World Weekly News of CFL reporting. Also missing from the OP's post is the back half of the tweet where even Pederson suggests that the rumor is unfounded and kind of farfetched.
  24. There was nothing brilliant about it at all. Nearly all the players signed this offseason had bonuses built in for the eventuality of the cap going up. Sure the cap went up but so did bonuses the minute it happened. Couple that with the expansion of the roster and PR and the 600k increase is minimal. We all have seen how brilliant this maneouvering was this offseason already when Taman lost several top notch NIs and other players to FA and was unable to sign anyone of consequence. Further proof will be when he is unable to sign both Dressler and Sheets.
  25. I would wait until the PR expands in a few weeks then bring him in.
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